Texty's Back - Plain and Simple

Loser! Well done Texty,
Re: Texty wants to be sexy - or at least glam

Awww thanks hunni xx

I know I keep saying it but I really wouldnt have stuck at it had it not been for all you lovely people here on minis xx

I was thinking the same thing before... If it wasn't for minis and everyone on here, would I have stuck at it? I don't think so!! Xx
Oh that's so sweet, we need each other because its hard work slimming, feels never ending at times for little reward and who understands that better than fellow slimmers, we share the highs & lows and have a few giggles in between. Have you had a good pain free day today ? Xx
Yes fingers crossed for you. I've got a sore foot for some reason, didn't realise until I got home and took my boots off, can't think why its sore but it looks a little puffy. Wonder if the BF will kiss it better, what do u reckon? Xx