Texty's Back - Plain and Simple

I need to do that too. I used to be 5'6" and I lost a whole inch! Gutted. Nate is predicted to grow to 6'4" I am most unimpressed. I am jealous of you 5'6"ers.
HEXA - 250 mils ss milk
HEXB - None Yet

Brekkie - None

DSC_0130.JPG Lunch - SW quiche and beans, rice pudding

DSC_0131.JPG Tea - SW chips, mushrooms and savoury rice

Drinks - Tea, Pepsi Max

Snacks -

Syns -
Sugar (1) Maltesers (5.5)
Hi hun - I did a chicken breast to go with my savoury rice ( but when I took it out of the oven it was still frozen lol) so guess whats for lunch tomorrow.

Yeh i just used short grain rice and started it off in the microwave with water then before i transferred to oven I used my milk allowance and added some cinnamon ( didnt have any nutmeg) I miss my mams rice pudd :-(

Ooh so the rice pud is free then if using milk as HEx. Have to try tomorrow!
My mam always used to make us rice pud as well with that thousand island? milk. Mmm...
Mam used to use full cream milk and half a bowl of sugar lol it was so sweet but lush. Then of course when its cooked more milk is needed to cover it and a spoon of sugar, well I can dream thats the old way. I used canderel in mine, I never use my full milk allowance on a weekend as I dont have my cereal, so the 2 days ive put my 250 mls thats whats gone into my rice pudd.
Right off to get rice today to try to make the rice pud!

I'm not a great cook so fingers crossed lol

Oh and I blame my parents for my love of food! If I wasn't so spoilt as a child maybe I wouldn't have been an overweight adult! Lol who am I kidding - I only really became v.overweight when I moved out :-/
Evening all - hows everyone??

HEXA - 250mls ss milk
Fruit n Fibre

Brekkie -
Fruit n Fibre with a banana

Lunch -
SW quiche and beans, and a plain chicken breast

Tea -
Chicken Tikka stir fry with some leftover savoury rice and dark soy sauce DSC_0134.JPG

Snacks -

Drinks -
Tea, Pepsi Max

Syns -
Sugar (1) Crunchie (9.5) Total (10.5)
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Thanks love im trying lol ( some will say very haha). I will probably have a curly wurly or something later as night times are when I get my cravings for rubbish.

Did you do ya rice pudd?
Got the rice but not made it yet. Will prob be tomorrow now as I'm shattered and fancy a lazy night.

I find nights are my worst as well, even if I'm not hungry I want to pick as it's habit I guess x
Not too bad today thanks. Managed a few hours - the baby seems to be having a growth spurt and is feeding at night again. Just when I get one sleeping, the other wakes lol.

How's your back hun? X