Texty's Back - Plain and Simple

I never stay loyal to a provider, they aren't loyal to you.
I go with the best deal :) x
I never stay loyal to a provider, they aren't loyal to you.
I go with the best deal :) x

Ive never had a problem with them before but this time they wanted me to pay £209 for an Iphone and then £50 a month bill - sod that for a game of soldiers lol.

What I dont want is to end up in one month having 2 bills to pay as I cross over
Hi would you say your broth was a lunch or tea meal?

Hiya - ive cooked it for both. I usually do it for a tea time and then theres loads left for my dinner next day for work and another tea. It is very filling. If ive not used my hex I sometimes dip my bread in the juice nom nom. :D
Hello Texty how are you? Hope your having fun. It's horrible in work, cold wet & very dark :(
I'd recommend an iPhone xx
Hello Texty how are you? Hope your having fun. It's horrible in work, cold wet & very dark :(
I'd recommend an iPhone xx

:( I dont envy you chick hope the last 2.5hrs go quick for you, Im gonna ring orange up and see just what they are prepared to offer me. Then maybe move contracts. Ive been with them for over 8yrs now x
Ive never had a problem with them before but this time they wanted me to pay £209 for an Iphone and then £50 a month bill - sod that for a game of soldiers lol.

What I dont want is to end up in one month having 2 bills to pay as I cross over

You shouldn't have two bills if you stay with orange, but you don't have to go through them directly. Remembers checking phones4u and mobiles.co.uk etc. You can upgrade via them if you wanted the continuity of keeping your number etc. You can def get an iPhone from one of those for free and much less monthly xx