Texty's Back - Plain and Simple

Aww fingers crossed love. Lucky you for the pf!
Thanks ladies - ive just been visited by the PF lol thanks Katie. I have also just weighed on mine and theyre showing 1 on grrrrrrrrrr absolutely no reason why they should this week - whats a girl have to do to shed some fat these days pahhh

Hope your all well ill catch up when im back. Broth for tea tonight and goddamit im gonna have a dumpling nom nom x

Hahaha anytime ;-) XxX
Sheila, sheila, sheila (pet),
you know it will fall right off again next week

just keep swimming, swimming swimming

Lots of Love xxx
1.5 on!!!!! why do I bother eh?

Texty is not a happy bunny x

Sorry to hear about your gain hun . I'm sure you'll lose that by next week. I know it's not what you wanted but fingers crossed you'll lose it for next week. Things will start looking up again promise .

Hugs Kay xx