Texty's Back - Plain and Simple

Evening hun - gain wise im ok just gotta get on with it eh! lol

I may appear a little quiet tonight - they have taken my sis into hospital and I'm a little worried about her. The doc told her yesterday that she had tonsilitis, today she cant even swallow water, the doc said its more than tonsilitis and may be a septic throat, she is severely dehydrated. They have given her antibiotic and steroid injections, and a soluble paracetamol which took her an hour and a half to drink. She has to have the camera down tomorrow to see whats going on. She is terrified bless her!
Awwwwwwwww bless, I hope shes ok, at least being in hospital she will get the treatment she needs, I'm sure once she is hydrated she will start to feel a bit better x
Thanks hun thats what I told her too. Shes a toughie and scared of nothing - apart from the camera down her throat. Ive told her to ask for the spray and the injection to relax her
Sorry to hear about your sis Sheila, she must be going through a lot of discomfort poor thing, I hope she gets better soon. Hope the rest of your day has been ok :) .

Kay xx
Thanks ladies means a lot. I'll be ok once they have her results. It just brings back bad memories of what happened to my poor mam
I'm just catching up after a few days.
Soz bout the gain, you'll soon sort that out.

Hope your sis is ok, while she's in the hospital she'll be getting well looked after, it's the best place for her.

Hugs xx
Thanks lovelies - they have finally found her a bed on a ward. Shes on a drip for the dehydration, and has had an injection into the back of her throat. x
Glad they've found her a bed hun... At last!! Hope she manages some sleep... I know it's hard, but try not to worry too much... You need sleep too xxx