Don't apologise!Its certainly bad for my stress levels lol I can feel myself typing furiously cos im thinking about how to approach it without sounding like a tell tale but thats exactly what she has done.
I think i best go do something productive before bed or I wont sleep grrrrrrrr
Night all and sorry once again for the long winded rant lol oops.
Sleep tight lovelies xxx
Off to put lunches up for tomorrow - bath then bed me thinks.
Bracing myself to have words with the boss tomorrow about someone at work who can not be trusted with confidential information. Its been bugging me all weekend but Im gonna have to say something. Its not a MAJOR issue but the person is meant to be in a position of trust and not go snooping in the bosses e mails and then tell the whole section whats been said - the e mail was sent from ME to my boss in confidence. So on Friday how can someone say to me " did you send that to the boss" when no one but me and the boss knows I sent it!! The only person who could know is her deputy!! Im furious to say the least
Arghhh I think I need to chill or ill blow a gasket
Evening all hows everyone? ...................... Well I went to bed at 11.30 last night, was still wide awake at 2am!!! too much going on in my head. Got to work @ 7.30 and ............... the boss had phoned in sick grrrrrrrrrrrrrr. So god knows when she will be back.
Anyway on a lighter note - whoop only 4 more sleeps and then im off to see Kathryn really looking forward to it, god help Chester lol x
Yeah bit of a bummer but It will keep until shes back
It will you feeling better in yourself today though? Xx
You coming to see me??? When???? I didn't know!!
Pmsllllllllllllllllllllll View attachment 123084
I've got Sheka coming!! Xx