Texty's Back - Plain and Simple

Can I ask for some nail advice please?? ;)
I have quite short unpainted nails and would like some nice new gorgeous ones for Leeds. Can you recommend what sort I should go for as I really have no idea where to start and would feel an absolute prat walking in somewhere clueless!! Lol xx
Can I ask for some nail advice please?? ;)
I have quite short unpainted nails and would like some nice new gorgeous ones for Leeds. Can you recommend what sort I should go for as I really have no idea where to start and would feel an absolute prat walking in somewhere clueless!! Lol xx

I'd go for acrylics if I were you hun, you can also choose the length and have a colour or pattern etc. We have a place near me who charge £15, its a Chinese family who don't speak a word of English and you just point to the ones you want on a board lol x
I'd go for acrylics if I were you hun, you can also choose the length and have a colour or pattern etc. We have a place near me who charge £15, its a Chinese family who don't speak a word of English and you just point to the ones you want on a board lol x

Lol, thanks, I wouldn't want them too long as I'd end up sticking them through my tights or something lol x
Mine are acrylics - you can ask for them natural ( so will be the same as your natural nails)
or ones like mine are french which means they have the white


This is the length when they first glue them on but they cut them to a length to suit. They look lovely on, but be warned if you leave them on for any length of time the glue ruins your own nails. You will need to go back after about 2 weeks of getting the original ones on to have in fills done as your own nails grow underneath. Then after that you should only need to go once a month to have them infilled. You can put nail varnish on them, but you MUST use nail polish remover with no acetone in it to take the colour off.
Lol, thanks, I wouldn't want them too long as I'd end up sticking them through my tights or something lol x
I cant fasten the button on my trousers if I have them too long! had to get my friend to fasten my pants on a night on after going to the loo! lol x
Love the pics you look fab! Glad you had a good night :)
Lol i cant pick up money or paper if I drop it cos theyre too long. I have to use a knife or a spoon to open ring pulls on cans lol
the one you cant open will be another pic of naturals hun - it shows as just a blue box that wont open so I did another which is the one above. Can you see the ones with french finish?
I don't think it's something I'd keep to be honest because of my job, although I have always wanted nice nails.....there's never been much point in the past as my hands were almost always in water, cleaning kiddies paint pots etc. and now I always seem to have rubber gloves on, and no-one sees me really at work now so there's not much point in making it a permanent thing. God I can waffle lol. X