Gold Member
You enjoy them Hun
Lol i used to be like that with my dad I could wrap him around my finger.
Stacey if i had it id loan it to you hun anytime - ive had to sell my body to pay her lol
aww, I was going to hold my hand out for spends then. £180 is a lot of money to just ask for. I think if she asks again and you say yes, it needs to be yes with conditions attached, in that you look over her finances and help her set up a budget. It is beyond me why they don't teach managing finances in school as part of those PSCHE classes. You do classes about drugs at least once a year, but nothing about setting up a budget or managing your money.
Lucky you nettie. I HATE asking for money, and I am paranoid about my current account going below £1000, which is so stupid, because it is a current account, not bloody savings! The idea of not having access to it makes me incredibly anxious. My grandad sent me £300 this week, just because a bond matured and so he divvied up the money between us grandkids. So when I go into Exeter I will go to M&S and open up an ISA and put the £300 in there, plus a bit more if I manage to not feel too anxious. It is good because I will still be able to access it whenever and M&S ISA is supposed to have the best rates at the moment. Yep, I'm the only one out of me and my brothers not to get into debt. I don't have any savings though, so this will start setting me up. Better late than never.
Her MIL has bailed them out with a loan too I wish they would just get their act together cos I do more worrying than them