Texty's Back - Plain and Simple

Morning all I'm outta bed for water and painkillers. Had a horrible night running in and out of the bathroom. Son is also poorly he has just had to shower while I stripped his bed bless him. Hubby still isn't right it's gonna be a pants Xmas and we may not get to see Andrea Rob and Jackson cos I don't want to pass this on!!

Oh no - what a pain - hope you all feel better at least a bit better in the morning - hope you can have your Christmas with the family when ur all well - think everyone here is wishing a great 2015 for you xxx
Oh no - what a pain - hope you all feel better at least a bit better in the morning - hope you can have your Christmas with the family when ur all well - think everyone here is wishing a great 2015 for you xxx

Thanks lovely. Son has been sick since I last posted grrrr.

I'll try to pop on in the morning to wish everyone the best x.
Evening lovely ladies. I hope you all had a fab Xmas and got lots of lovely stuff.

I had a really lovely day I managed to eat most of my lunch and I got to see Andrea rob and Jackson. Whoop. I had 2 small glasses of wine and then drank water.

I've just had a lovely bubble bath, I'm watching the soaps then frozen :) big kid that I am lol x.
That's good news, I'm glad you managed to see Andrea, Rob & Jackson.

how is the rest of the family? X

Thanks Michelle - Ian is fine now thanks. He's been out this afternoon and eaten lightly. Been to see sis, she is full of cold :-( her other symptoms are no better/worse.

Im banking on 2015 being a better year for everyone!! minis friends included xx
Totally with you on the 2015 being a better year. So glad you're all feeling better now hun xx

Thanks hun :)

I didn't go to bed till 2.30 and I've been up since just after 6. I couldn't sleep for pain in my back and legs :-((

Not doing much today apart from having Jackson. Yayyy x.