Tez's Sw diary.........need to be slim again

Just had a crappy weekend but I'm back on track now I hope. Changed wi till a Sunday as it's easier for me with my Sunday dinners. Jack's been to softplay today he's so cute but he's full of cold bless him! I think winter is creeping in fast, I'm freezing, it's raining. I don't own a coat that fits and can't afford to buy one so I really need this weight off before I freeze my ass off.

Breakfast - 261 cals
Strawberry sf shake
Cup of tea

Snack - 7 up 135 cals

Lunch -
Cheese spread
Whole grapefruit
Muller yogurt
Cup of tea
Glass of juice
Half a banana

Tea -

Cup of tea
Glass of juice

Snacks -
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My winter coat is probably massive as the last nite I wore it I had a big bump! Teri it wont be long till ur back in ur coat with the amount of weight your losing!
If ur weighing in on sunday ur less likely to go off tack over the wkends! friday mornings won't be the same without you though!

Hope nothing else as happened over the wkend, glad Jack as had a fun morning x
Yeah I'm going to miss my Friday wi's but when I have my Sunday dinner it takes a couple days for it to work off as its a heavy meal. Not necessarily bad or anything then by time I've worked it off it's nearly wi. Also I can't have a treat day on a Friday wi then have a Sunday dinner aswell. I haven't had a Sunday dinner at mil's (except yesterday) for the 3 weeks before so I know there's no way I'd have lost 3lb last week if I'd had a dinner the Sunday before as last week I ate small and often and it seemed to work for me.
I was just annoyed about money and my weight and nothing fitting, no one noticing my weight loss. Nothing to show for it except the scales. Also by now I'm usually well into my Christmas shopping but I just can't afford anything, how sad it's only September and I'm getting stressed about Christmas. If I can go back to work early I get paid 10 days before Christmas, it'll be a mad dash but bet it'll be fun. A bit like a supermarket sweep lol, hubby will hate me I'll have him at the metro centre every evening after work x
Yeah Christmas is so expensive I can see why you like to start eariler! I usually try put money aside through out the yr not been able to do this yr with having Hollie, im going start collecting my morrisons saver stamps! every bit helps as they say! every christmas I always think im sorted and then last wk I realise I haven't brought enough so I run around the shops panic buying! me and my oh both have lot to buy for, it gets to much doesn't it!
try not to worry about christmas yet I already told my oh we cutting back on both sides of the family!

Only 2 people have commented on my weightloss my nan and my hair dresser! I think most people don't like to say anything but it makes you feel so good when they do! I think you've done brilliant so far im about 12 wks a head of you and your nearly caught up, I can see why sunday wi will be better for you, I always over do it over the wkends and spend mon-thurs being extra good to shift it back off I still log in to see how you've done xx
Cas3 said:
Yeah Christmas is so expensive I can see why you like to start eariler! I usually try put money aside through out the yr not been able to do this yr with having Hollie, im going start collecting my morrisons saver stamps! every bit helps as they say! every christmas I always think im sorted and then last wk I realise I haven't brought enough so I run around the shops panic buying! me and my oh both have lot to buy for, it gets to much doesn't it!
try not to worry about christmas yet I already told my oh we cutting back on both sides of the family!

Only 2 people have commented on my weightloss my nan and my hair dresser! I think most people don't like to say anything but it makes you feel so good when they do! I think you've done brilliant so far im about 12 wks a head of you and your nearly caught up, I can see why sunday wi will be better for you, I always over do it over the wkends and spend mon-thurs being extra good to shift it back off I still log in to see how you've done xx

My mum does the Morrison's stamps and the Iceland ones they are so handy! I forgot this year, but I'll just do a last minute shop and do what I can.we have lots to buy for as well and I also like to try and spoil Andy. I've got 2 brothers and a sister to buy for, plus my mum and dad. I buy for my Gran, Andy's mum, Andy's dad, our niece and nephew, we do secret Santa at work, 3 friends I buy for, my friends lg and this year lb. I just would like to enjoy this Christmas, last Christmas was a bit lean as we got married in November! We've having Christmas dinner at my mum's them a buffet on boxing day. We buy the meat and crackers for Christmas dinner and my mum gets the rest, then we both put 15 quid towards the buffet food the next day.
I'm hoping Sunday wi keeps me on track lol x
Hope you feel better teri, i think you will be in your winter coat in time if you carry on like you are doing, you should give yourself a big pat on the back for dieting and losing what you have, when callum was 11 wk old i was all on making some dinner nevermind thinking about and doing diets, but he was the maungyest baby in the world ;-)
Hope you feel better teri, i think you will be in your winter coat in time if you carry on like you are doing, you should give yourself a big pat on the back for dieting and losing what you have, when callum was 11 wk old i was all on making some dinner nevermind thinking about and doing diets, but he was the maungyest baby in the world ;-)

Totally agree, my youngest is nearly 3 and it's only now I'm tackling my baby (+ post baby eating cake just because I'm breastfeeding) weight, so am very impressed
You have got alot to buy for on my side there's 21 of us including my lot and my oh's family mum dad and 2 brothers so its so expensive, I do the same with chris we always like to spoil each other his like a big kid at christmas!

At least this Christmas we should all be alot slimmer! we go to my family xmas day and is family usually comes to ours boxing day and we put food on as we got more space I don't mind but when we've gone to their's we be lucky to get offered a cuppa! last christmas inlaws came and they gave us the norovirus we were all so ill afterwards especially as I was pg and Maisie had it bad too still can't believe they came to us knowing wot they had!

Its hard to lose the baby weight when breastfeeding or having a baby with colic as its so demanding I was lazy after my second just cudnt stick to any diet but this time its different, think ur doing fab Teri Naomi is still very young x
Yesterday I had -

Breakfast -
Cup of tea

Lunch -
Oatcakes topped with tuna mayo
Cup of tea

Dinner -
A third supernoodles beef

Snacks -
Muller banana
Highlights hot chocolate

Water -
8 glasses 2.4litres

Cals - 1390 :)

Jack still full of cold, Naomi starting to get it. I've woke up with a major sore throat :( I think I'm back on track so hoping for a good day x
I feel like crap, splitting headache so I'm taking paracetamol and codeine to shift it, my throats sore, I've got such a bad cold now but I hope it'll go soon!

Started WW today, loosely til I get the info I need.

Today I've had -

Breakfast - 6pp
Sf shake
Cup of tea

Lunch - 6pp
Oatcakes and dairylea
Small banana
Half a Muller
Cup of tea

Dinner - 11pp plus bread (yet to work out)
Chicken Goujons and half bachelors chinese savoury rice, slice of bread and butter :(
Half Chicago town mini pizza tbc

Snacks - 7pp

Water -
2.2 litres water

Had a bit of a carry on at dinner I was so hungry.....

Naomi's loving her baby rice, she really gets unhappy when it's finished bless her. Got the hv coming tomorrow should be interesting. Best start guessing her weight lol x
Naomi weighed 11lb 1 five weeks ago, today she weighed 13lb's, I'm so ill with this cold its really attacking me, my immune still must be run down from pregnancy, I'm all bunged up, my nose is raw from blowing it, my throat is sore and dry, my ear feels a bit blocked, my eye is irritable too a bit dry. I haven't drank much today, and I've only eaten some bran flakes, some toast and some biscuits, I can't diet when I feel so rough. Feeling sick from the cold, all the crap lying on my stomach. Good luck for wi tomorrow.

Health visitor said they don't recommend weaning before 6 months now, I told her I'd started and she was really nice just said the guidelines mean she can't recommend it but just because she has to tell me that she knows its not that straight forward and that nothin bad will happen if I'm doing it now, just recommend don't give her pureed til 17 weeks, and to still with the same food for a few days to make sure she's okay with it instead of introducing lots of different food at once, that way if she has a reaction to anything its easier to pin point x
Yeah its true, it doesn't matter how focused I am, foods like bread and potato's are so much more comforting and easier to bare when I'm ill, I just can't stomach fruit, yogurts etc I need something that's going to settle my stomach a bit, I felt a little better after my toast.

I've had -
Bran flakes
2 slices toasts
5 biscuits
2 cups of tea
No water
Half glass peach water
Pasta for tea I think, as quick and easy x
I just feel so rough all over, I get 36 daily pp and 49 weekly so I hope I'm doing okay. I want to sleep for a week, even my eyes are sore and irritated today x
oasis6918 said:
I just feel so rough all over, I get 36 daily pp and 49 weekly so I hope I'm doing okay. I want to sleep for a week, even my eyes are sore and irritated today x

Aw Tez, I'm the same as we have this horrible cough/cold thing, am so exhausted and unmotivated to cook :(

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