Naomi weighed 11lb 1 five weeks ago, today she weighed 13lb's, I'm so ill with this cold its really attacking me, my immune still must be run down from pregnancy, I'm all bunged up, my nose is raw from blowing it, my throat is sore and dry, my ear feels a bit blocked, my eye is irritable too a bit dry. I haven't drank much today, and I've only eaten some bran flakes, some toast and some biscuits, I can't diet when I feel so rough. Feeling sick from the cold, all the crap lying on my stomach. Good luck for wi tomorrow.
Health visitor said they don't recommend weaning before 6 months now, I told her I'd started and she was really nice just said the guidelines mean she can't recommend it but just because she has to tell me that she knows its not that straight forward and that nothin bad will happen if I'm doing it now, just recommend don't give her pureed til 17 weeks, and to still with the same food for a few days to make sure she's okay with it instead of introducing lots of different food at once, that way if she has a reaction to anything its easier to pin point x