So for a proper update - 2lb off, yay! We had a chinese last night (chicken in black bean) plus I had a couple of fibre pluses but only went over my syns a reasonable amount - it was controlled eating rather than a binge. Plus (TMI) I've needed the fibre, & it's helping!
New C is fab, she's really motivating and the group feels really like a group, everyone is engaged and friendly and it's such a culture shock compared to the last group I went to (briefly) everyone seems like they have a 'can do' attitude and shares tips, rather than just spending ages discussing what they can't have. it's refreshing
Today am back on it, and feeling good. I bought 1 box of rocky road hifis last night, and had two as my hex for yesterday, and have allocated the rest for syns instead. had one after lunch today and it was certainly satisfactory!

Dunno what tea will be tonight, haven't made any plans - maybe noodlesoup as it requires balls all prep, or something quorny.
Not feeling great in other ways tho, the weather / pollen count is playing havoc with my asthma, am having the first difficulties for over 6 months (it's been better since I started losing weight) and consequently I don't have my inhaler with me, so am just living with it. Hopefully it'll help when I get home, but if there isn't a remarked improvement I mightn't go to chorus, as if I canny breathe I can't sing either.
In other news, am away Sat - Mon in Edinburgh, so will be eating with the friend I'm staying with. I really don't have much choice over what food is offfered, but I'm gonna attempt to make wise choices while I'm out and about, keep up the snacking on superfree / hexs and should be doing a lot of walking about anyway so it shouldn't be too bad. Will be weighing in on the Wed instead I think, so I have a couple of days to recoup, and am aiming for a 1lb loss still. Then a short week as I'll be back to weighing in on the Mon, ideally I'll get another couple of lbs off then