only food anyway so whether I eat or don't eat it won't make a difference to having a good time

Well I haven't been great today food wise, chocolate my downfall again, but I've also done a fair bit of exercise and that'll hopefully compensate. I will get back on track!! I also feel quite bloated as well for some reason. Maybe I should try cutting out carbs maybe they're making me feel bloated and they're definitely not helping with my head. Blooming carbs. I've got loads of other stuff I need to eat before I go away anyway (like a whole bowl of fruit!) maybe I'll concentrate on eating my way through that lot.
Besides ,I'm working on not being too hard on myself. Ha. It's funny everyone from different areas of my life always tells me that I'm much too hard on myself. None of them know each other but it's always the same feedback! It's my biggest thing I am always much harder on myself than I would be for anyone else. So.... As long as I do the exercise I'm not going to beat myself up for eating more. I know that I'll get back on track, I just have to settle into a good routine again. That'll start by going easier on myself. It always feels better to be kind to yourself rather than hard on yourself anyway.
Does anyone else know the postsecret site?
If you don't know it then it's a great site I think... This week's secrets are particularly great I think, especially if you click on the comments at the very bottom of the page. Some very very wise words that have inspired me and it's led me to reflect a bit about my life. So the next paragraph is just waffle. This is going to be long but I really think this is an important step in beginning to be able to move on emotionally and with my diet, so feel free to skip. This is just me needing to vent.
It's ok to be scared about making big choices. It's also ok to leap into the unknown and be scared and not know how things will work out, but the important thing is really to follow your heart and run after the things that make you happy. If you let these things pass you by then you might end up miserable and regretting stuff. I never ever want to regret one single thing in my life. I think to date there's only one time in my life I wish I could change my actions and that was when I was a stupid, naive 17 year old. Even then I don't regret it as such I've just made sure I learned from my mistake.
And I think to be honest part of the reason I've not been so great on the diet recently is because I'm scared about the decisions I have to face, either now or in the next year or so. I've also not been facing the fact that I'm scared. Properly scared, deep down. But if you don't take a risk then you'll never know. Sometimes the worst thing to do is the safe, easy thing. Hm. This is probably not making sense to anyone but me so I'll explain a little.
Obviously my OH and I are long distance at the moment. We're in limbo. He was over here for 6 months total and we were together for that time. Then he lost his job, couldn't find another one in 3 months of looking hard and had to move back to new zealand (he comes from there). We were going to split up but we were both absolutely devastated at the thought. So it was a sort of case of "you're free to go and date anyone you want to, do whatever". But neither of us wanted to at all so we stayed together. Things have been going really well even long distance for 6 months now. Last month or so he's been making the odd hint at wanting to take the next steps forward with our relationship (talking about moving in together etc) - I'm at the moment planning on going and working over in NZ for a year before doing a PHD either there or here. And then the last time we spoke on skype he talked about surprising me with something he hoped would be a good thing but he was really nervous about, that it was involving something that he had to pick up from somewhere, and that was going to enable us to spend a lot more time together. Hm. Now this has sparked off some major feelings and head spins with me because I have a strong suspicion the thing is an engagement ring (and that would lead to us spending a lot more time together, if we got married obviously!). He also made it perfectly clear that him moving to england was not on the cards at all. So it made me realise that either now or the next few years I'm going to have to face moving to the other side of the world to be with him, or breaking up with him and staying here. I mean there's possible other options as well (maybe moving somewhere halfway like canada) but again because he had such a hard time getting a job in new zealand too, he's only just found a job there, I really really think he's not going to want to give that up and move anywhere else.
Now I realise that whilst I don't mind moving to NZ for one, two, five years eventually I really want to have kids and have a family one day. These are the big decisions I'm having to face. You can't do a 26hr flight with young kids which would mean it would be virtually impossible for them to know my family. My family and friends are so important to me that I don't know if I could deal with being so far away from them, permanently.. Just me, I can fly back a couple times a year to see them. But if I have a family that pretty much means I'm installed in NZ for good.
So I hope this makes it clearer why it suddenly hit me about these huge decisions, and why I am really bloody scared. I think OH assumes that I'm going to be moving out there and I don't know if I can. I've also tried to make it pretty plain to him that I don't know.
Just going back to OH popping the question (if it's not that now then I do still have to think about this anyway if we're going to have a future at all!).. One minute I think "say Yes! He makes me so happy and I do not want to miss the opportunity to be with someone so special and who I really love so much, for the rest of my life".. and the postsecret stuff just reinforced that the most important thing is to make the choices that will make us happy. It might involve risk. The next moment I think "No way, it's too soon to know (only been going out a year!), still too many unknowns with the whole NZ/UK/canada thing, it would be certifiably nuts to say yes etc etc".. And I just can't seem to come to a definitive conclusion..
Gaaaaah. What a mess. You know one of the things that we did in counselling once is to do a meditation. So I meditated on it a few times, cleared out my head and just listened to my intuition and my heart. Each time the answer was that yes it's a massive scary thing to do. But that I shouldn't be put off by going there and at least trying. The stuff with kids can be worked out. Yes I would miss my family but there are such things as planes, it's not the end of the world... In short, I should go for it.
Gaah anyway sorry for rambling on. This debate has been going on and on in my head and heart for days now and it is going to be something that I can't just come to a decision overnight and nor should I....