Having a rubbish dayjust wanna eat a massive subway followed by chocolate.
My sons dad has had me in tears all afternoon :'(
Awwwthank you ladies... I didn't binge. I did go to subway but got a salad,.no cheese or dressing and went to a bbq and had a burger with it with my syn free sauce and heB roll and went to bed satisfied by august ill be feeling much more confident with myself to pay less attention to others comments.
Sadly I had a call this morning from my sister to let me know she had bumped into a good friend, or so I thought, in town who granted had drank a lot if vodka.. but she went up to ky sister and started saying how she resented my son as I never went out anymore and "so what your dad has cancer she uses it as an excuse" and made a couple of comments saying "I know she's fat but she has a beautiful face so still can come out"... My sister was furious. Swore and shouted and walked away lol... But still, hard to hear when you really think of someone as a good friend.
I'm just focusing that when it comes to end of school in July ill be hopefully slimmer and hopefully my dad will be better and I will be able to enjoy life more. No matter what I have a 5 yo and I have to be home for him no matter how much I'd like to go out and party! It's shaken me up but ice channeled it into thinking I will one day be slimmer and out in town and sure as Hell wouldn't make nasty remarks over anyone's homelife situation no matter how body confident I was. but you have to always treat others the way you want to be treated...
Anyway!! Rubbish weekend but weigh in tomorrow and hoping to loose 1lb for my 3 stone award... Fingers crossed!
How's everyone else's weekend going?
And thanks again for all the support in my moment of weakness! I really appreciate it so much
hey darling..
you should tell your sister not to tell you these things if it happens again. i see no point in you knowing that someone said such a horrible thing about you. your sister should know better.
your father is your father.. we will always be in their debt because they brought us up, fed up, kept us warm and gave us unconditional love. dont let anyone or anything make you feel guilty for looking after him. You are setting an amazing example to your son x
ellen83 said:I'm feeling sorry for myself. First have had this nasty bug which has taken its toll and then to top it off I've now got a thrombosed hemorrhoid (sorry if TMI) and am in agony. Have not really been on plan this week as I've been all over the place health wise so who knows what WI on Weds will bring.
I'm in the same boat as I've had a virus and an ear infection all week and now suffering still with dizzy and off balance which doesn't seem to be getting any better - I've stuck to oilman simply by reminding myself that this health crap should only be short term and the weight loss is much longer - and if I slip off plan every time i am unwell ill be fighting a hard battle to stay slim
However I don't have what you have and we all handle thins differently - I'm really sorry you would like your in so much pain and I hope it gets better soon - It's only one week WI so don't worry x
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I'm in the same boat as I've had a virus and an ear infection all week and now suffering still with dizzy and off balance which doesn't seem to be getting any better - I've stuck to oilman simply by reminding myself that this health crap should only be short term and the weight loss is much longer - and if I slip off plan every time i am unwell ill be fighting a hard battle to stay slim
However I don't have what you have and we all handle thins differently - I'm really sorry you would like your in so much pain and I hope it gets better soon - It's only one week WI so don't worry x
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Well I'd just like to know who this oilman is that you're sticking to?:8855::8855:
Corkscrew said:Well I'd just like to know who this oilman is that you're sticking to?:8855::8855:
Emmey1 said:Rofl!! Haha I ate this flipping phone!! Sticking to plan!! Lol
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Corkscrew said:PMSL!! I hope you synned the phone you ate Emslol
Corkscrew said:glad to see you're getting plenty of super free
Sticking with the oilman - has its benefitslol lol
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Corkscrew said:OMG!! I nearly choked on mi fish pie then! lol
Corkscrew said:Awwww fatbgone (hate that name btw! It's like I'm calling you a fattie!) take no notice of your so called friend cos she's not the kind of friend you want or need! What horrible things to say, and to your sister of all people. I have to say though, your sister should have kept her mouth shut. It was silly of her to tell you knowing it would hurt and upset you.
For what it's worth, I think you're doing a grand job putting your son and your dad first and like you say, as you lose weight your confidence will grow sooooooo much that silly comments like hers will be like water off a ducks back! Big knickers to her and her comments!
Good luck for WI and your 3 stone shinyxxx
Fab post Rozie! Couldn't have said it better myself!xx