Corkscrew said:I've made it Rozie, and it's lovelyNot sure on the syn value of tahini paste, but it uses 2 Hexb's in olive oil
You should move! What a horrible house it sounds like Ellen.. Jobs are scarce that's true.. So might be an idea for the OH to start widening his search if he hasnt already..
What's wrong with the little un?
ellen83 said:I would move if we could afford to. Our biggest issue with jobs is that neither of us drive which is a pain in the proverbial!
Miles has never been a great sleeper, only started sleeping for stretches more than a couple of hours at about 10.5 months when he started sleeping much better (maybe waking 2 or 3 times a night which I could cope with but he seems to have regressed this last couple of weeks and it seems harder as I'd got used to finally having some sleep again. Not sure why he's doing it but I hope it goes as soon as it came.
ellen83 said:I'm going to discuss it when we get his year check although who knows when that will be. Haven't seen a HV since he was 16 weeks!!! When we moved here in August I called to let them know we moved, they said we 'should' see someone before he's a year... pah! Good job I look after my kids hey!?!
He's still breastfed and is in full separation anxiety mode atm so think that might be a contributing factor.
How old is he? Weaning him is a difficult process for any child but you should see the dic yourself even if u don't see a HV x
fatbgone said:it'll come off next time kenco!! And welcome back peacedove, sounds like an amazing holiday...!!!!! Dont worry about what the scales say... A holiday has to be enjoyed!!
I maintained... Pheww. As my consultant mentioned we only had a 6 day week as the bank holiday got in the way. I'm stepping it up a gear and aiming for 3lb loss this week!!! I'm going to do a 6k walk every morning and stick to plan rigidly. My sisters wedding is 24 weeks away, if I lost 2lb a week I would walk down as her bridesmaid 5 and half stone lighter. Hmm. We ll see!!
Ellen, I completely understand the not sleeping. My 9 year old never slept one night until he was almost 3 years old. He would sleep from 8 til 12 or 1, and then was awake SCREAMING every hour on the hour...sometimes for an hour or more at a time. Then come 5 or 6am, he was up for the day. There were some very dark thoughts going through my head as I was on my own with him, and his sister who was still a toddler herself. Nothing I tried would get him to calm down or to sleep. I tried rocking him, feeding him, changing his nappy, singing to him, putting him in the bed with me, ignoring him, crying with him, getting cross with him, and one time I even tried giving him a chocolate bar out of pure desperation...but even that didn't get him to stop crying.
I'm afraid you're just going to have to tough it out, my lovely. It won't last forever.
As for the house you're living in... I would be very upset if things kept going wrong in the house. The flat I used to live in was a total dump, and the landlord wouldn't do a damn thing for me. At least yours will do what needs doing. I had mushrooms growing on the living room carpet from the damp! Shame it was summer when I moved in, or I might have spotted all the damp!
As soon as you can, I would move. Is there no council list you can get on?
Jobs are so rare these days. My OH has been out of work for over a year now. It's a struggle... but what else can be done? We're in the same boat, with no car, as we sold ours last Xmas for a few quid for the holidays. Sometimes you just have to travel for work, and that will probably mean bussing it... but hey-ho, a job's a job, right?