Full Member
Thank you , think I need my coffee to get my brain working !! Tax return to do now , urgh !!
But now its time for me to go and sit in the corner and eat some (most likely) highly calorific and yucky humble pieI'm very sorry to have whinged, moaned and complained last week after I stepped on the scales early and only looked like i'd lost 0.5lbs
well I stepped on the scales this morning and am extremely happy (but at the same time rather embarrassed) to report a lovely 7lbs loss, so I've updated my signature to reflect that. I'm off now to jump around for a bit and then join SW online
I'm not on the list:cry:
Well I've never done sw before so its kinda new to me, but also up until Jan last year id always dieted with someone, either my mum when I lived at home or the past 9 years my (soon to be ex) husband. So I'm kinda going it alone for the first time. I can still talk to my mum about it obviously and I do have a bf now but we don't live together, so well Idk it just seems different this time round but I'm hoping that's a good thing and I'll finally lose it for the last time!
dory78 said:My 7lbs loss got lost in there somewhere
abigailsmummy 84lb~3lb lost
broadsbean 84lbs~ 4 lbs lost
Bron 84lbs~ 7.5 lost
Cariadfaith 84lbs - 0lbs lost
Cheese lover 60lbs- 5lbs lost
daisygrubber 84lbs -3lbs lost
dory78 84lbs ~ 7lbs lost
ecblack 312lbs - lost 9.5lb
Elaine 84lbs ~ 0lbs lost
emzybop 84lbs ~ 2.5lbs lost
Fatbgone 84lbs ~ 8.5 lost
Fat Stuff 84lbs ~ 0lbs lost
Fat & 40 84lbs - 1lbs lost
JaneB 84lbs ~ 1lbs lost
Karnak 84lbs -1lbs lost
Kenco 84lbs~0lbs lost
LadyFerret 84lbs ~ 0lbs lost
Lauratheloop 84lbs ~ 0lbs lost
Lily42uk 89lbs ~+5lbs
loonylamb 84lbs ~ 6lb lost
lou22lou 84lbs ~ 0lbs lost
Lucia Lucia 84lbs ~ 4lbs lost
marzie30 84lb ~ 0lb lost
melh 84lb ~ 3lb lost
MissClumsy 84lb ~ 0lbs lost
MissSlinky2011 ~ 0lbs lost
Mummy sarah - 3.5 lbs lost
Nettie 84lb ~ 3lbs lost
PeaceDove 84lb - 3.5 lb lost
PurpleRoses 84lb ~ 4lbs lost
rialrees 84lb ~ 0lb
Rockchick72 84lb ~ 2.5lb lost
Roziee 84lb ~ 5.5lbs lost
Sally Cinnamon ~ 84lb 0lb lost
SarahCroz ~ 84lb 0lb lost
ShinyShimmy 84lb ~ 0lb lost
Size 16 Will Do - 84lb
SugarPlum 84lb - 4lb lost
urbanprincess 84lb ~ 0lbs lost
vickidyers 84lb ~ 8.5lbs lost
Wannamakeitwork! 84lbs ~ 0lbs lost
yvonne31 841b ~ 0lbs lost
dory78 said:Hi guys, hope we all had a great weekend, mine was very busy - think I need another weekend to get over this one! Met my bf's brother and friends yesterday, was a little nerve wracking but ultimately a very nice dayTried to be as good as I good on the ole buffet, I was there as it was all being cooked so I knew what to avoid etc, had some pasta salad and some pork kebabs but did have a bit of a splurge as my bfs brothers fiancee had made a key lime pie and she kept insisting i have some and I really didn't want to seem rude having only met her an hr or so earlier so i had a small piece of that (it was VERY yummy tho!) and I did have a couple of beers but all in all I think I did reasonably ok and didn't go too overboard.
But now its time for me to go and sit in the corner and eat some (most likely) highly calorific and yucky humble pieI'm very sorry to have whinged, moaned and complained last week after I stepped on the scales early and only looked like i'd lost 0.5lbs
well I stepped on the scales this morning and am extremely happy (but at the same time rather embarrassed) to report a lovely 7lbs loss, so I've updated my signature to reflect that. I'm off now to jump around for a bit and then join SW online