WI in 3 hours! Actually can't wait. I know I had two days there where I barely ate, and when I did eat they weren't exactly the right things, but I DID stay within syns, and I had a fab week apart from being sick. I'm all better now, thank God! Really looking forward to having a nice dinner later.
Going to cycle to group with the baby in her trailer... OH has just left for work so I won't be able to stay for Image Therapy this week, so you will all just have to keep me on track haha.
My dog is driving me nuts. She won't stay in her run cos it's gone all muddy with the rain here lately. All we need is a few days of sunshine to dry it out and lay the concrete!!! Bags are ready to go, but can't lay it on the wet mud. So she's been tied up in the garden with access to the shed in case it rains. But of course it was OH who tied her up (I swear some men just can't do anything right!) and he left her with enough slack to reach my flower bed along the side wall! Argh! She ate one lily plant and tried to eat my Jasmine! There are a few gnaw marks on it. So I had to go out and replant some there now. Another lovely side effect is that she's now trampled all my lovely baby grass and churned it to mud

Why is nothing simple?
On the plus side, I've decided to start writing again after a long, longggg break from it. I'm fiddling around with the idea of the Fae. Being Irish, I suppose those sorts of myths are my bread and butter ...mmmm bread and butter....and I'm just outlying ideas at the minute. Thing is, I don't actually have Word on this notebook. It's on my laptop, which hates and despises me. The power port is broken and all it does is beeep, beeeeep, beeeeeeeep at me, cos the power connects and disconnects so rapidly. Urgh. I know I have a copy of Word floating around on a key somewhere, but it takes up so much space... decisions, decisions. No point trying to get the old laptop fixed; it already was and it's still being a b1tch!
Hmmm, anyway, I had to cancel my meeting with the sexy personal trainer this evening as OH won't be here to mind the baby. I'll have to reschedule. This is really annoying. I want to go to the gym a lot more than this. I guess I'm going to have to suck it up and go when I can (cue dramatic music) on my own.
Some fab losses this week! I hope to add to them, and get my official 3 stone award this week. But if I don't get it, I will definitely get it next week. No more monkey business now, knuckling down and getting this done!
I think for the next week's challenge we should all commit to doing at least one SE day. What do you all think?