>>> The 2012 Six Stone Challenge Thread <<<

Oh my, I wish I had proper boobs. I only have tiny ones. They're a C cup, but they're still tiny.

Lovely cupcakes!

And he is a heartbreaker.. What a lovely photo of your baby x
Oh my god they are massive lol cupcakes look yum and your little boy is beautiful i'm gonna lower the tone now by telling you all I have a bad gut tonight :-( lol sw tomorrow to speak to my c to see if I can get my head in the game I have no money at th mo which makes my depression worse and my weight suffers too coz I dont fancy salad I want chocolate and I cant afford decent cuts of meat either but my violin is getting put away I WILL DO THIS xx
emma3662 said:
Oh my god they are massive lol cupcakes look yum and your little boy is beautiful i'm gonna lower the tone now by telling you all I have a bad gut tonight :-( lol sw tomorrow to speak to my c to see if I can get my head in the game I have no money at th mo which makes my depression worse and my weight suffers too coz I dont fancy salad I want chocolate and I cant afford decent cuts of meat either but my violin is getting put away I WILL DO THIS xx

Why don't you try doing green days then Emma? Lots of veg from a local veg store or by going just before closing time at the supermarket and getting the whoops prices..
I'm just strange I love love love meat lol plus with the depression I cant go out and cant shop online then end up eating rubbish then depression gets worse grr lol hopefully gonna start an open degree in october tho need to lose weight sort head out study then get dream job and live happily ever after haha xx
The boobies shot kinda...! The other ones are slightly porno. Next time tit tape is a must!!
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The cupcakes I made for the bride n groom! Temptation at its worst!
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Had to add this one... My lil heartbreaker - although I'm bias!
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You look great, cakes look yummy (I 'do' cakes too... there is a thread on here for some of us who decorate cakes... link is http://www.minimins.com/hobbies/255694-any-one-cake-making-cake-design-xx.html) and your little boys looks like a right cutie!

Oh my, I wish I had proper boobs. I only have tiny ones. They're a C cup, but they're still tiny.

Lovely cupcakes!

And he is a heartbreaker.. What a lovely photo of your baby x

Feel free to have some of my boobs, I'm really hoping they shrink more as I lose weight... Not sure what size I am at the mo as still breastfeeding and live in maternity bras... but think last time I measured it was a G or something... Used to wear dd's/e's when I was a size 18 so am curious to see what I will be when I reach an 18 this time!...hopefully for my birthday in July!
Going to call job centre tomorrow nd hopefully get them moving quicker i've had no money since 27th march and me and my mam live off 100 per week for everything we both smoke too which we no we should stop but its so hard when you've got nothing else violin really is away now having a terrible couple of weeks and feeling sorry for myself but i'm going to get my grip now lol xx
Think I scared everyone away lol xx
Going to call job centre tomorrow nd hopefully get them moving quicker i've had no money since 27th march and me and my mam live off 100 per week for everything we both smoke too which we no we should stop but its so hard when you've got nothing else violin really is away now having a terrible couple of weeks and feeling sorry for myself but i'm going to get my grip now lol xx

Good luck with the job center tomorrow.... and yes you should quit... even if its just for the sake of your bank balance, bloody expensive habit (not to mention the health risks).
emma3662 said:
I'm just strange I love love love meat lol plus with the depression I cant go out and cant shop online then end up eating rubbish then depression gets worse grr lol hopefully gonna start an open degree in october tho need to lose weight sort head out study then get dream job and live happily ever after haha xx

You know, last week when I was having my lunch at work- I took in something that wasn't that tasty, but I didn't want to throw it away so ate it anyway.. And it got me thinking.. We all LIVE TO EAT.. When really we should be EATING TO LIVE. That's why we are all over weight.

If we just thought.. I'm eating this to stay live.. To do my daily chores, to go to work, to be able to exercise we wouldn't be over weight.

I say that because even though you love meat, just think that you're eating the rice/pasta/potatoes with the green days as a necessity :) difficult I know but you can do it Hun x

ellen83 said:
You look great, cakes look yummy (I 'do' cakes too... there is a thread on here for some of us who decorate cakes... link is http://www.minimins.com/hobbies/255694-any-one-cake-making-cake-design-xx.html) and your little boys looks like a right cutie!

Feel free to have some of my boobs, I'm really hoping they shrink more as I lose weight... Not sure what size I am at the mo as still breastfeeding and live in maternity bras... but think last time I measured it was a G or something... Used to wear dd's/e's when I was a size 18 so am curious to see what I will be when I reach an 18 this time!...hopefully for my birthday in July!

Oh mama! Hehe you're breast feeding so you're bound to be big :p

emma3662 said:
Going to call job centre tomorrow nd hopefully get them moving quicker i've had no money since 27th march and me and my mam live off 100 per week for everything we both smoke too which we no we should stop but its so hard when you've got nothing else violin really is away now having a terrible couple of weeks and feeling sorry for myself but i'm going to get my grip now lol xx

emma3662 said:
Think I scared everyone away lol xx

No didn't scare me away- just went to shower.

Smoking is really expensive isn't it? Go to the job centre, get sorted.. Then just make a list and work through your problems.. The world isn't as scary a place as you might think. Just go for it! You have nothing to lose x
Have tried to quit but cant at th min it stops me breaking down thanks for the luck I swear i'm not a benefit scrounger like so many people out there xx
I do like veg fruit potatoes and stuff and could do some green days just dont think I could do a whole week at a time or can ya just have odd days red and green dont get explained enough in my opinion xx
Yeah of course you can! Mix up the days.. Do some red days and green days.. You don't have to have a full week of green etc..
Ah good will give it a go thanks :)
Have tried to quit but cant at th min it stops me breaking down thanks for the luck I swear i'm not a benefit scrounger like so many people out there xx

Don't worry about it. I'm in the midst of having to sort out benefits, we should have been claiming ages ago but a combination a pride and hating the system has prevented us. Sometimes we need benefits...that's what they are there for, it is a shame that some people take the mick.

I do like veg fruit potatoes and stuff and could do some green days just dont think I could do a whole week at a time or can ya just have odd days red and green dont get explained enough in my opinion xx

Just make sure whatever 'day' you do... you do it for the whole day and you'll be fine
I hate being on benefits it sucks lol I didn't claim for about 6 months after leaving my job for the same reasons everyone thinks your just lazy for not working it doesn't matter that I would rather be working and earning my money people just dont take that in to account I get really defensive now in case ya hadn't noticed lol xx
I hate being on benefits it sucks lol I didn't claim for about 6 months after leaving my job for the same reasons everyone thinks your just lazy for not working it doesn't matter that I would rather be working and earning my money people just dont take that in to account I get really defensive now in case ya hadn't noticed lol xx

I know where you are coming from completely.
-3lb off tonight, so chuffed :D :D :D

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Well done on the losses! And just to add to my excitement earlier I won sow and got such a massive basket of fruit I'm not sure I will get through it all! If anyone knows what I can do with a load of apples I would be greatful as I'm not keen on raw apple the texture on my teeth freaks me out lol!

Emma hope you find work soon.I work in careers so if you want any advice I could maybe help and there is a good website - the national careers service which may help you..x
jayde1148 said:
Well done on the losses! And just to add to my excitement earlier I won sow and got such a massive basket of fruit I'm not sure I will get through it all! If anyone knows what I can do with a load of apples I would be greatful as I'm not keen on raw apple the texture on my teeth freaks me out lol!

Emma hope you find work soon.I work in careers so if you want any advice I could maybe help and there is a good website - the national careers service which may help you..x

Awww well done hun and thanks i've just registered for my open degree eek lol if you've got kids use them to paint wit if you've got loads or paint by yourself lol plant th pips and in summit like 100 years you'll have an apple tree haha xx
Or shred them and add to a coleslaw xx