hello all long time no post.
well still struggling, last time I was on here I'd planned my week, made my shopping list and was gonna stick to it.
I did all the shopping according to the list, stocked my chest freezer up with lots of SW friendly food, then came the rain, the whole north east had major flooding (thankfully not our house) but it knocked the electric off for our little area and it stayed off for 27 hours, so I had to throw the majority of what I had in the freezer into the bin

so that put paid to my planned week, I tried to eat as healthy as I could but I only lost 0.5lb.
I have been off work last week (hols as it was my birthday) so I haven't been on plan, although I have spent most of the week since last thursday with my nose in the fifty shades of grey trilogy (which has kept me out of the cupboards and fridge)
Happy to report period has now gone after 3.5 weeks and started back on plan today, I'm not really expecting much on the scales tomorrow night, if I STS i'll be surprised and if I lose I'll be over the moon, I need a good kick up the backside as I'm letting my progress slip, (although in my defence I have done two lots of body magic today)
so hoping class tomorrow can inspire me.
I've also gonna have my magic pancakes tomorrow as I haven't had them for weeks and I was getting losses when I was having them every day.
hope everyone is ok