Well tbh I didn't think I could resist going into Greggs, so I decided instead to make myself a massive plate of rice, veg and ham and I'm going to walk to the shops later when Greggs is shut - therefore no temptation
Oh and as well as that I decided I'm going to spring clean my daughters room, its her 7th birthday on 1st Feb and I'm buying her a new bed (sounds boring I know but she has so much stuff theres nothing more she could possibly want or need!) Its a gorgeous 4 poster bed with little pink voile curtains on so it looks like a princess bed, except she thinks shes getting a plain boring pine one cos mummy was a bit mean and told her the other one was out of stock

naughty mummy!! Thing is her room is such a state atm that I have to completely gut it and repack her toys into boxes which will fit under bed (plus conveniently lose a few she's too old for!) but I've been doing it for an hour and had to stop cos I'm all sweaty and gross and I have work in about 15 mins! (Thank god I don't need to leave the house!!)