Hi Mich, Debbie & CC,
i know i'm not a centurian, but as you're posting in here (& Mich doesn't have a diary at pressent) i thought i'd just pop in &lend you my support.
Mich - fantastic news on 6 lbs :happy036: bet you're reet chuffed with that & so you should be. Good idea to "legalise" food on an as & when needed basis, less likely to fall by the wayside.
Here's to a good week girls
Hi All,
was wondering if I could join you? I got lots to lose! lost 3 stone but got another 10 to go... I'm guessing I qualify lol
Oh MichHuge hugs hunni :hug99: You CAN do this. How about phoning your counsellor and having a chat.
Sleep well lovely. Tomorrow is a new day and I hope it's an easier one for you x
Aw Mich, sorry to hear you're having a tough time of it at the mo, just sending a few :hug99: :hug99: :hug99: your way & love too
Hope you are feeling better today Mich ..... just take it one day at a time..... promise yourself you are going to be good when you get home tonight and let tomorrow take care of itself.... you can do it!