Thanks Lily and Clarri,
I do feel a lot stronger. I will be gutted if it doesnt work out :sigh:, but I am taking control of my life and the job is an excellent opportunity to set myself up for the future. Its not China that I have a problem with, just my OH!!
Spoke to a friend last night and she said she knows my other friends will support me whatever I decide to do.
Emailed China friends and they are really please I have decided to go back.
Felt a lot better knowing that there are people on both sides of the planet who care! Not heard from OH today and I havent contacted him. Will send him an email over the weekend, but giving him some space so he can think too.
So, back to business. Food diary.
Having problems with food. Dont know what to eat! Only been away 5 months and got used to Chinese meals and meal times...Am going to have to work really hard with this whilst I am here. Have told my parents out right that I am still losing weight and my mom said she will do it with me whilst I am here, which is good.
Breakfast: 1 piece of toast with proper marmite (oh yea!) & no spread (go me!)
Lunch: mushroom soup and 1 bread roll
Dinner: beef and guinness casserole, half a jacket potato and green beans and peas.
Drank a lot of water and orange juice.
Ate a jam doughnut

but it wasnt v. big.
Exercise: Walked to the shops and back (about 20 mins altogether)
Breakfast: cocoa pops and semi skimmed milk (I know thats a bad breakfast)
Lunch: tomato soup (WW no cal soup) and a bread roll
2 clementines
Dinner will be: toad in the hole (small with 1 sausage), and veg.
said no to cakes when my Dad was trying to buy them in M&S (and so he got them for the rest of my family & didnt try and make me have any, bless his little cotton socks - thats Dad support for you!), so got grapes instead.

Exercise: did 30 mins of tai ji and on my bro's tread mill ellipses thing & rowing machine (burnt off 110 cals on machines + what ever tai ji burns off).
Need to keep up this losing weight thing - it would be so easy to put it back on / not lose any more whilst I am here and I cant afford to do that.
Weight this morning on parent's scales is 78.8kg (it was also a lot of other weights in different places but this one matched my scales at home)
Going to try and do 30 mins exercise every day to try and speed up the weight loss. Want to get to 76kg for xmas still, but dont know if I will make it?? Might have left it a bit too late. Ho hum. (Just add that to the list of other things I have failed at...

Thanks for your continuing support, it appreciated.