needs to get out more!
Yes Abz - adding oxygen to the blood does kind of kill you... I was bemused by this as well. 
Throat is feeling a bit better thanks, but my voice is still v. croaky. (Its Laryngitis - we looked up the translation from my medical note), so it will take a few days to clear properly. I feel a bit better in myself but sooooo tired! :4635:
No wonder you were struggling with the whole motivation of cooking things Silence- so boring only being able to boil or fry everything.
I have watched Series 3 of Desperate housewives and the first series of The IT Crowd which has made me laugh a lot (silently!).
Now watching Beauty and the Geek (husband has gone to shops - I can watch car crash tv!!)
Ready Eddy isnt the red dragon, he was a plasticine character (who changes shape) who glows. It was the mid 80s, so you being a young sprightly 22 /23 would have been v. small (or it might even be before your time??). God, its just hit me. I am old. In 7 months time I will have to fill in the 30-35 bracket on surveys. Think I might start staying at 29....:sad0071:
(All the Chinese people we know think I look like I am an uni student - no one believes me when I tell them how old I am, which is hilarious because they all think my husband must be 40 or near enough cos he is a principle, so his students always ask me what its like to be barried to someone so much older!! - he's only 32!)
Hope you are all ok.
Throat is feeling a bit better thanks, but my voice is still v. croaky. (Its Laryngitis - we looked up the translation from my medical note), so it will take a few days to clear properly. I feel a bit better in myself but sooooo tired! :4635:
No wonder you were struggling with the whole motivation of cooking things Silence- so boring only being able to boil or fry everything.
I have watched Series 3 of Desperate housewives and the first series of The IT Crowd which has made me laugh a lot (silently!).
Now watching Beauty and the Geek (husband has gone to shops - I can watch car crash tv!!)
Ready Eddy isnt the red dragon, he was a plasticine character (who changes shape) who glows. It was the mid 80s, so you being a young sprightly 22 /23 would have been v. small (or it might even be before your time??). God, its just hit me. I am old. In 7 months time I will have to fill in the 30-35 bracket on surveys. Think I might start staying at 29....:sad0071:
(All the Chinese people we know think I look like I am an uni student - no one believes me when I tell them how old I am, which is hilarious because they all think my husband must be 40 or near enough cos he is a principle, so his students always ask me what its like to be barried to someone so much older!! - he's only 32!)
Hope you are all ok.