Abz - I would hate to be on CD, the thought of not eating and only drinking stuff would drive me barmy. Can you eat at all??
Lily - hope the stronger antibiotics sort you out!!
Ok, so voice was better and throat hurt less, but having talked to husband this afternoon my throat is really sore again.

Have finished my antibiotics, so hopefully resting & not talking for the rest of the week will sort me out.
Still not eating.....I know that isnt good but I cant stand the thought of eating noodles (I can feel my throat closing up at the thought) and quite honestly that has put me off eating anything at all....
So today my diet has consisted of:
Breakfast: yakult and a glass of warm water. Took a multi vitimin tablet thing.
Lunch: nowt :sigh:
Dinner: nowt
Drinks: green tea, orange juice, apple juice, water & 1 mug of oveltine (lovely friend found it in our local supermarket and gave it to my husband at work to give to me).
I know its really, really bad, not to eat anything and if it was anyone elses diary I would be telling them its really, really bad. I'm sure I will be hungry tomorrow tho.
Watching Jamie Oliver at home on t.v. and can honestly say if he turned up with the sausage casserole thing he has just made & the apple pie, I wouldnt be able to eat it! (and I completely love sausages esp sausage casserole)
Will make myself eat something tomorrow whether I want to or not.
Am also going to force myself to go out and get some fresh air cos I havent been out in nearly a week (cos its been so cold), but if I wrap up warm, it will be fine!
Hope you are all having a good day
PS Today I am wearing trousers I havent worn for 4 years!! (my husband has never seen me in them before - not that he has noticed!!)