Do you think the kids today will get this nostalgic over Tellytubbies or Pokemon when they're grown up?
I think they probably will! I was thinking last night about the other stuff I loved - Battle of the Planets, Ullyses (sp?), Cities of Gold, Dogtanion, She-ra, My little pony, Carebears....
Favourite ever comment from a pupil I taught last year (year 5) when teaching about flashbacks in Literacy.....
"There was a really good programme on tv a long time ago in the olden days which had a flashback at the beginning...."
so I was like - ooooh great!!!! shes applying her knowledge to everyday life!!!, asked what it was....
"It was called 'The A Team'....."
OLDEN DAYS?????? :censored:
So I explained to her that it was on tv when I was her age and that I didnt know whether to be cross because that meant she thought I was really old or whether to be really pleased because she knew of The A Team!!
What is funny as a teacher is finding out all the parents who are my age / a few years older are making their kids watch our stuff from the 70s / 80s on dvd!!!
You lot might mock my understanding of Sweep's squeeking, but its so true!
Hope you are all ok this fine and freezing morning.
My throat is worse, I think I over did it with talking yesterday (I think the pain killers masked the pain of talking), so I am going to have to take it v. easy today. Luckily (or unluckily depending on point of view) husband is out this afternoon helping friends move apartments, then he's going out for dinner tonight with all his collegues. So I am home alone, which at least means I try not to talk, cos there is no one to talk to.....
Not been v. good with the eating thing....
Breakfast / Lunch: :sigh: husband went out for food and got this lovely egg bread herby stuff (which is v. nice and soft on my throad) and beef noodle soup, so that was a lot of carbs....
Been drinking lots of green / orange tea, so thats been good
Dinner: will be pumpkin and chilli soup (love it Janey!!) with some chilli chicken (still trying to clear my head)
Have got to be 80kg when I weigh in tomorrow / monday otherwise I wont be a happy bunny!!!! So I shall be good for the rest of the day, will try and practice my taiji , but I cant remember a couple of moves that link the different sections together...
Ho hum!
I'm sure i will be back on here later, have a good day y'all!