Silver Member
Ok Food stuff for today is planned as:
Breakfast: Banana and SW mousse (1/2 syn)
Snack: 3 babybel light (A)
Lunch: Either noodles or mushroom soup not decided yet
Tea: Homemade quorn chilli with veggies
mmmmmmm think ive made enough quorn chilli to take some to mums for lunch thursday. Hoping to have jacket potato for tea but I have a meal coming up on Wednesday that i CANT get out of (mainly cos i organised it for my team and picked my food before I started on SW again) I have ordered french onion soup to start and chicken and veg for main - ordered a starter instead of a pudding so I suppose thats not too bad. Have to be good the rest of the week! x
Best thing I ever started doing was make a menu every week so I know where I'm up to with my food. Considering you chose your food BEFORE starting SW anyone think you where already on the plan