The diary of Janalot :)

Well we kind of 'square goed' but she retreated back into her celler when I threatened to phone the council and tell them she is not only squatting but sub squatting in their property !

Failing that if she continues to bully me Martin has promised to 'do her in' which consists of him spraying her with moth spray and beating her with a bit of 2by4

Have a good day y'all!!! Xx
jan9209 said:
Laura I live in Glasgow so wouldn't be travelling to dump her lol the boot , I'm just about to leave for work so see what happens if she tries to trip me up or something :( x

Bullied at this age.....sigh x

Lol I know u live in Glasgow! I hope I didn't offended you!! I love Glasgow really!! Xx
Can't kill her jan it'll make it rain! So my mum says anyway and up here I can't take the risk!
Or a steam roller in the cupboard......
eilidh thats beetles :D

jan thats a teeny baby spider.... should see the monsters we get on the farm.... even the cats are scared of them
Well girls I write this as I'm crying......friend took pics of me in wedding dress to see what I look like and I look horrific :( I mean huge :( I can't stop crying I'm so devastated I only have ten weeks left soooooobb

Sorry to ramble but I'm so upset :( xxxxxxx
Jan don't cry xxx you have 10 weeks, that's enough time but you have to calm down and dont start eating because your upset it will just make you worse. Deep breath xxx
You need to settle down xxx your just getting jittery. 10 weeks at even 1lb week is a dress size come on Jan were hear to hold your
Jan I'm on my phone and can't see you stats how much more do you want off?
The mood has not shifted today peeps I cried myself to sleep last night and now can't even look at the dress :( online at lunch to find a burkadress xx