sorry I've been a bit MIA but I have been in a bit of a dark place over the last few days ....a real 'void' feeling...
it started on Monday and I know is linked to my ex moving. He has a completion date of 19 November and I am finally starting to 'mourn' where I used to live . Even though I moved out in 2004 I have had almost daily access and so in a way have never been able to grieve the move. The house still feels more like home that this one does and I won't be able to go back there after the 19th because someone else will own it

I then started to think - if my ex moves with my dog and I have only weekend visits due to distance (possibly 20 miles) then what do I have to keep me where I live? I exist in my house rather than live in my home, I have no relationship to speak of with my OH and my job isn't permanent and isn't challenging me....
I felt very despondent by all of this and it wasn't until yesterday that I realised that I had managed to put a gap between these dark thoughts and the instant desire to eat to push them all back down again. This is good. The old me would have just eaten and eaten to try to mask the feelings but it did really expose me to what emotional 'pain' (for better want of a word) feels like when you can't numb it with something and it really wasn't nice.
I feel a bit better today although I still want to cry when I think about the house.
Nothing really ties me to where I live. I'm not married, have no children and OH has his own home where he goes to every day. I could sell up and move. Take the equity and put it away and rent for a while's all just seeds of thought bourne out by this forced change to the edges of my life but they keep coming back.
I have to confess I have not been 100% good. But I also realise when and where I eat.
On Sunday I was offered some KFC, which I ate.
Yesterday - a slice of ham and about 6 little finger sized pieces of breaded chicken
Today - 3 slices of ham, 3 biscuits and 1 piece of the breaded chicken
All at my ex's house. I know he will have snack stuff in the fridge and I often see what is in there to feed my dog as a little treat when I go round at lunchtime to take him out when my ex is working. Before my holiday I resisted 100% but for the last couple of days something isn't quite working in my head. I don't even think about doing it at my house and so my brain is obviously associating old habits/actions/thoughts with being there. When with my ex we ate lots of lovely food all the time. There was always a full fridge and a pile of takeaway leaflets. I cooked 2 course meals at weekends, just food, food, food all the time......
I suppose ironically the fact he is moving on the 19th will mean an end to that habit and so I have decided not to beat myself up over what has happened and try to stay 100% good but know if there are odd bits of ham etc eaten then it has an end date.
I think the bits I have eaten have knocked me out of ketosis as I feel much hungrier than I would expect and I'm also quite tired all the time and a bit fuzzy headed. That alone is a reason to think about what has happened, work it through, compare to how I want to feel and move on with a plan.
Onto nicer things - my 6 stone bead has arrived

It is a 3 side triangular bead with little bits of purple enamel in it to signify my favourite colour
I have had 2 comments now this week that colleagues didn't recognise it was me from the other end of the corridor.
I ordered 2 funky (well I thought funky!) cardigans and a pack of 2 long stretchy camisoles for the winter. Both cardigans are going back in that they fit but are both very odd designs! One makes me look huge even though it is a size 20/22. I am going to keep the camisoles though to wear under my jackets as they are needed. I bought a 22 in those and they should do me for a stone and a half I think.
I was also supposed to see my GP today about the 'attacks'....I thought it was 4.40 tomorrow and it was only when I realised what the noise on my phone was that I realised it was the alarm to tell me it was 4.40 today and I wasn't at the surgery, I was at for 4.40 on the 5th.