My dog.......I will continue to have 'joint custody' of him in that I will see him at weekends. My ex is quite happy to bring him to where I live or to pick me up and take me to where he will be living (I have a driving phobia which is very limiting outside very short well known routes and I have tried just about every solution possible ). I wouldn't want to get a dog of my own.......I feel that Charlie (my boy

) is my number 1 'boy' and I'd feel a bit unfaithful getting a rival!!!
OH's son and gf are flying to Perth to stay with some of her family. They then fly to Sydney at New Year and want to travel/work for the remaining time. His son is a really lovely young man and I really hope he has an amazing experience. They are starting off with a week in Dubai.
You have hit the nail on the head really minusfour with how I should be getting on with things - do what I want for
me. I read Just Say Yes a few years ago and I thought what a good idea (broadly speaking!!!) it was.
Had a bit of blow out yesterday but felt I needed to do it. On paper it looks like nothing but in relation to CD it was a lot.
I had
1 shake
1 bar
1 soup
ok so far..... I also had
2 more bars
1 tin chick peas (in my soup)
a packet of sliced ham (150grams ( I think)
all in all about 1300 calories so if on a 'standard' kind of diet that would be fine, but 3 times the CD daily intake on SS. I just needed to get it out of my system and apart from 5 jelly tots and 1 slice of ham today I have been fine so I am hoping that yesterday was the peak of falling off the wagon and I can start getting my head back together.
I had to be on a stand all day at a jobs fair and everyone was given 2 mini muffins at 9am. I gave them to a colleague

I was then given 2x£10 vouchers for lunch in the cafe and I gave them to the 2 colleagues who I had rostered on over lunchtime whilst I went to see Charlie and get my shake
It realllllllly hurt giving away the muffins as nobody would have known I had eaten them.....except me. I am pleased I did it though.
Book keeping course tonight - definitely not something my brain seems to be enjoying but I will keep going.