there will always be little jealous people wishing you to fail to make thier own failings in life seem less important.
I think this is the crux of the issue. He said he liked me when we met because of my 'personality and attitude' but now also firmly says that he thought he could change me, that he 'tried' (ya know, sexy stuff

) but couldn't because of how I look and he really can't bear me to even touch him in bed. This is partly going to be true as physically I am pretty awful, but he also has the situation where he is unable to......ya know......and he's always in the past part blamed it on him being a smoker. Well he now says it is nothing to do with that and it's all my fault.
We'll have to see about that then, won't we because I think he is going to have to admit otherwise and if it is a case that he still has no interest in me then I really don't want to be with him as I'm worth more than that, I don't want to be with someone who can't even bear to touch me in any way, shape or form.
Mum phoned and she told me the kinds of foods she is going to eat to try to help with the arthritis - fish, some veg, some fruits, nuts etc. We had a chat about CD and she was fine. I explained how it worked and the steps. She asked if eating that little was safe and I said it was no different to a gastric band really but even with one of those it's possible to eat rubbish. We chatted about lots of areas of CD - the choices, cost, photos, measurements, bmi, just about everything. She said I had motivated her to lose some weight

I even told her about my bracelet and the beads and the top I keep sending back for a smaller size.
We even had a conversation about the constipation I'd suffered as she said she had it at the moment from her change of diet and I said I'd had a bit of a problem!!! She now knows what to buy if hers gets worse - lol!!
We also talked about the need to change habits and I said that I'd read that the brain can quickly learn a new habit and she said she had tried hypnotherapy and was told the same thing. I said to have a look on Mike Scott's blog about mindset and how to look at weight loss.
I can't see she would ever do CD but she was really supportive and it was nice.