suppositories it was........and boy did it work quick!! I had got to the stage where I felt so ill I really didn't care discussing it in public with the pharmacist in the chemist or the aspect of buying suppositories (too many Carry On film innuendo type thoughts in my mind over them!). I had hot flushes, I was shaking, I couldn't sit, stand, walk easily, I
really felt ill and in such horrific pain everytime I went to the loo. I now feel fine, absolutely perfect
I feel the scales may be a good reading on Sunday, I weighed myself yesterday and then this morning and let's hope they don't change as I'd be very happy with what they now read!!
Couple of busy evenings have just gone. Sadly most of them either ruining, or fixing my hair. Had a disastrous visit where my change of image to a buxom blonde went horrifically wrong and I had lots of random patches of yellow/orange highlights and a number of bleach 'bleeds'. This is where the bleach comes out of the top of the foil packet they put through the hair and bleaches the darker colour. It means that as well as blonde bits going down the also have blonde stripes going
across your hair

Lots of reasons behind why it happened (inexperience, lack of supervision, lack of time etc)
It took 4 hours to put it right last night back at the salon. Dyed, cut and then dyed again as the first one didn't cover it. I now have very, very dark long hair which is fine, but not exactly the flowing mane of curly blonde tresses I desired.
Went to see my dog at my ex's yesterday ( I know how weird that must sound!) and he said
'you've lost loads of weight off your face. It's not gaunt but definitely loads of weight'.
He knows I'm doing it but it was good to hear a comment.
I decided to test my OH's reaction to the observation and his thoughts (I apologise for the little lie in the middle of this

but I don't know why he needed to know what he asked)
'I was told I had lost lots of weight off my face today'
'Yeah, who?'
' someone at work

. They said I didn't look gaunt...'
'pppft. Well you certainly don't look gaunt. Perhaps in another 6 months time'
'.....They said I
didn't look gaunt but that I had lost a lot of weight off my face'
'silent shrug'......back to watching TV and nothing else on the subject....
I really do think he sees me being this overweight as some kind of 'security' for him. He says he wants me slim (well, thin really I think, he says 11 stone 7 is too high, I told him otherwise and basically what I felt about that thought), but when I do lose weight he just has nothing to say unless I mention it and then is non-committal. Maybe he thinks that being permanently fat keeps me with him and he has a verbal 'stick' to keep hitting me with and if I lose weight he will be threatened by my new look as he knows his own shortcomings. Don't know really..