The epic journey begins!

Epic fail yesterday. Over done it on protein. Totally kicked myself after but it's done now. No carbs or sweet stuff for 5 weeks. WI tomorrow, won't be sorry if I haven't lost this week
Oh pops :bighug: at least it was protein you overloaded on and not sugar or carbs.....take the positives from every situation....and fingers crossed that it won't show on the scales too much xxxx

I went to a Hatha Yoga by candlelight class last night and it was total amazeballs! I've only ever done yoga at home via Geri Halliwells DVD many moons ago so I decided to be brave and attempt it with actual human beings (I also dragged my mum along!) it was really good, I can feel my legs and tummy aching his morning as I've used muscles I didn't know existed! Hoping it's going to help my tummy muscles start toning but I also need it for my sanity! A bit of peace and tranquility!
Yoga is hands down my favourite kind of exercise and once you get into it you can do the faster flow stuff which is excellent for cardio calorie burning. I defy anyone do 10 sets of sun salutations and tell me yoga is not cardio exercise!
image.jpgSo here's my latest progress pic at 0.5lb off four stone lol . Feeling quite happy with how I look, still need to lose it round the middle! But another ten pounds may make all the difference!
And here's a before and after so far picture


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Wow Sophie you look amazing! Well done :)

Before the kids came along, walking & yoga were my only exercise. Small is starting school in September & I am cutting down the number of late shifts & Saturdays I work. So the plan is to get some regular exercise planned in. I adore yoga & so hope I can find a class to work around school & my job. Fingers crossed!
Hi Ruthlet! Hope you're ok?! Hope you manage to do some yoga too, I've fallen in love with it!

so tomorrow is supposed to be my 'pause day' where I come off plan for my date with hubs and hop straight back on. Well isn't the mind a wicked thing. Mia's came back from her great grandmas house yesterday with a lemon drizzle cake, not just a slice but a whole cake! Now I resist cake probably about 3x a week , that's how often I go to costa or neros for a drink but Mia's great grandma is hands down one of the best bakers I know and because I knew I was coming off plan this weekend I gave in! Now that's ok, a slice is fine but the I let in consume me, I sneakily ate another two slices because I started to obsess over it so clearly my eating habits if I allow myself the wrong foods are still a no go area. Plus today I had my bar and my shake plus a packet of crisps, a big bar of dairy milk (I promised myself I'd only eat half but didn't ) a twix, 3 biscuits, 3 slices of dominos and 3 chicken goujons..... :booboo:

still, I shall have my meal with hubs tomorrow lunch and have my shake in the morning and bar in the evening and drink as much water as poss and stay on the straight and narrow. I think I've just proved to myself today that when I move up the steps to stay in control I have to steer well away from cake and chocolate. If I don't have any I won't be tempted to have more of of something like that is never enough for me unfortunately....lesson learnt! :doh:
So I had a lovely weekend. Indulged myself probably more than I should and woke up this morning two pounds heavier! Whilst I'd hoped that it would've been two pounds of water alas no, my super duper snazzy scales tell me it's actually two pounds of pure fat :eek: Oopsy........I have to start glugging that water!

But out off topic if anyone loves the inbetweeners and hasn't seen the second movie yet, go see it, it was really funny yesterday!

Glad you had a lovely weekend. The thing we all have to remember is your weight will go up and down - by as much as 5lbs a day, depending on what you have eaten and how much of it. That is totally normal and to be expected. As long as you are sensible today and don't carry on eating the sugar and carbs you will be fine and have that 2 lbs off in a day or two. How far are you from goal? Isn't it interesting that once you had one slice of cake you then carried on eating the sugar and carbs to excess - it is definitely something to do with the substance itself - it's almost like an alcoholic isn't it - with one drink being too many and a thousand drinks not enough. I am slowly coming to terms with the fact that I will probably never be able to have junk food in the house - if I do eat it it will be in a controlled environment - so a pudding in a restaurant not a whole cake in my fridge. First I have to get to goal of course!! Good luck with today. Onwards!! xo
wow sophiesophs

I have just restarted today after funnily enough having my son!! They are so worth it though. I did cd 3-4 years ago and kept it off until pregnancy! You have done AMAZINGLY well. Have you any tips on how you coped making meals and stuff for the kids thats what I am most worried about! Actually any tips in general are good. Just wanted to drop by and congratulate you on your losses :)
Awwwww hi Carly! Thank you sweetie!! Ooooooo's not so bad cooking for the kids and hubs now but to begin with it was quite torturous so it does get easier! I always keep my water with me when I cook their dinners so when the tasty smells do start getting to me I curb the fake hunger with water! And then as soon as I've presented them with their lovely meal I keep myself busy whilst they eat! Tidy, get pyjamas and beds ready for bedtime etc and soon enough their dinners all over! But it gets easier for sure! I would always struggle on a weekend and get v grumpy that I couldn't join in on the takeaway in the eve or the mcd's at lunch but I would always tell myself that if I caved then it would totally blow all the hard work I'd done and it'd take three days of hell to get back into it again and once I'd thought of it that way the food was never worth it!! It's a total mental battle....just tell yourself it's easy and it will help...if you tell yourself it's hard then it will be! And you feel really hungry drink more and and keep busy and if you feel tempted to cheat boil an egg or two and eat those instead!!

Goody...yup I've a total food addiction, but at least I've recognised that fact and in future I will save cake and chocolate for a special occasion ...or buy a normal sized chocolate bar instead of a giant one!! Xx
Hiya how was today? Back on it or not yet? Hope you aren't suffering!
Hi. Goody! Yes I got straight back on it Sunday evening coz I'm a good girl!! Monday I was starving but yesterday wasn't so bad....almost managed 4litres of water yesterday as well which is a bonus, I've almost lost the two pounds I put on over the weekend...weigh in is tomorrow so hoping I'll be able to scrape a pound loss tomorrow morning! Yoga tonight so looking forward to that again and a meal out tomorrow eve but I planned the girly night so I chose nandos specifically because I know I can have plain chicken and plain salad there!!
Wow just read your whole diary, you have done amazing! Day 3 for me and it is so nice reading someone's journey, totally motivational. Xxx
Ahhhh thanks Kacey, that's so nice to hear! Oooooo day three! How are you feeling? Day four and deffo day five is a huge turnaround in how you'll be feeling! Xxx
Ahhhh thanks Kacey, that's so nice to hear! Oooooo day three! How are you feeling? Day four and deffo day five is a huge turnaround in how you'll be feeling! Xxx

Feeling ok, had a few oh fook it I'm going to eat the fridge moments today but just kept drinking my water, will be glad when this weeks over tbh, staying strong though, failing isn't an option xxx
Well done! That's just the right attitude to have! Think of all the good work you've put in to get to this stage and how it would just be ruined! Plus you wouldn't feel good for caving, it'd bring you no joy at all! The mental battles I've had!! It's hard but doable xxxxx
Weigh in day today! 1.5lbs off which I'm really pleased about seeing as on Monday I'd put 2lbs on! So I had managed to lose 3.5lbs technically! And got my four stone! Yay! Consultant is now on holiday for two weeks so no weigh in for three weeks but because I have my 'consultancy scales' I will still be tracking my weight every Thursday :)
Epic work! Especially getting straight back on it after a weekend off? How far to goal? Xo
Hi Goody ! So I'm 11.2 and goal is 10.7 so 9lbs BUT if I don't feel like I've lost enough round my tummy and hips then I don't mind going down to 10 stone but can't see myself going below that.......xxxx