The epic journey begins!

Ooh I never weigh after morning... if I drink water that's it. My weight rockets!

If you've stuck to the diet it will drop off next week :)

I've never done slimming world. I did Rosemary Connelly. SImilar idea with an exercise club too. We clapped people who had lost 1/2lb and I felt really despondent with that! x
I bloody hate weekends!! It's when I seem to struggle the most and seem to get into a v negative frame of I get v v grumpy :sigh: My poor husband.....I've been such a stroppy mare....mostly because I just miss eating with my family on weekends...the weathers been so beautiful that we would've gone for a pub lunch somewhere but was avoided! I said this afternoon I'd give it another two weeks and that'd be my lot but I'm feeling better this afternoon.

This diet is so hard. Eating is such a fundamental part of life and such a social part. I just know that I have to learn how to eat sensibly and healthily and that this is a good start. By cutting out food I recognise when I eat for comfort and how the food choices are bad. I need to try and keep pushing towards the two stone mark and then re evaluate.
Ok let's do this to try and keep me focused. Just face pictures from four weeks ago and this weekend.....


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This weekend and almost one and a half stone gone so far


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Well that's spurred me on...a but of online virtual shopping always does! The sun is shining...I'm wearing a dress with leggings....don't dare to bare lol , but looking at the lovely clothes that are out at the moment is a good old kick up the backside! Day 25 today and still been 100% , the weekend was tough , I'm beginning to hate them lol but I know I'm nowhere where I need to be. I can feel the changes....wrists, thighs, waist but the stone and a half isn't really enough yet for other people (apart from hubs and parents) to comment on. I think possibly at 2 stone others may notice and I reckon I could get there in around two weeks. I did say I'd re evaluate at two stone but I think that's because I was on a downer!
I am so exhausted this morning. The boys aren't sleeping well atm and this morning I'm questioning this diet and whether it's truely feasible when you're up from 4:30 in the morning , having a full on day and getting up umpteen times a night. With less than 600 calories a day I feel like I'm running on empty constantly. Maybe I need to step it up to step 2 but really want to carry on on ss for as long as I can. I've got such a long way to go, my body is nowhere near where I want it to be so I know I can't quit but that's just left me all a bit tearful this morning :cry: Sleep deprivation and lack of food sucks!
I'm doing step 2 and iv a 13 lb loss in my 1st week then 4 lb in my second week
Currently on my 3rd week
Iv got a lot to lose but last time round I did just ss and lost about the same xx
Heyy Sophie -

you are doing a fab job not to have broken the diet at all yet! I just had a party on Friday (alcohol then cheesy chips were consumed) then went home for the weekend and completely gave in: had chips, pizza, chocolate etc.etc - basically a 3 day binge. I felt awful and it was tough getting back into it yesterday where I just had to have some chicken breast and then more and then more... However, today I am properly back into the diet and feel quite positive - the blip is over and done with and it wasn't too destructive (+1.5lbs from last week's weigh in this morning but I reckon it is all water and a full stomach and tomorrow will be gone).

So basically - i think if you need a 'cheat day' once a week or so to just have some chicken or tuna-mayo or something low carb/no carb (unlike me!) it is a v good idea because I was feeling so fed up of the diet and now I'm sure i will be able to go another 2 weeks before I fall off the wagon again. Also it is apparently good for your metabolism to 'shock' it every now and then on a low calorie diet just to remind your body that you're not starving. I know its tough with your young children but if you can I think you need a bit of time to yourself to pamper or go for a walk or something to make you feel good (I go to the gym - i know you're not really supposed to - but it gives me that endorphins rush and I feel so much happier for the rest of the day!). I know I'm barely in a position to give advice considering I just had 3 days of carb/sugar city but when I think of doing this diet for ages and ages it doesn't fill me with dread at all and I think knowing that you can fall off the horse and its not the end of the world: you just get back on, is important. Good luck with today xx
Ha ha Amanda I totally get what you mean! And I'd rather purposely pick a day off then cave in and binge! Hubs and I are off to the cinema in two weeks time and in the past we would normally have gone to tgi Fridays for a meal.....I'm very tempted to have this as my day off and just be normal with hubby and have a proper date...they're few and far between as it is! I guess I just worry that I won't be able to get back onto after a day off..!

hi tor, I am feeling better thank you...having to get up at 4:30 is NEVER a good thing! Going up to step 2 for a bit is def an option if I keep feeling this tired.....I took Jacob for a play date this morning with some other mummies , something I've been avoiding as it's all lattes and cakes! But I just sat there with my water, they all commented how I looked diff and they could tell I'd lost weight. Of course I also the lecture of how it can't be a good diet to survive on such little calories with three children and that I mustn't do it for long as I'll waste away (yeh right! Long way till that happens!) but nice to get compliments. I'm just going to have to take it a week at a time. It's like a constant roller coaster this diet!!
Day 28 today...weigh in tomorrow. Scales gave shifted by 2lbs so far and I'll try not to be disappointed with that...I knew it was going to be a struggle this week with the bars and all the tetras...and despite having drunk between 4-5 litres a day (more than I ever have) i dont think it's done the trick...on a plus note I think she'll take my measurements for the first time in four weeks so that'll be something to look forward too and I'll have beaten by four week goal and hopefully mini goal three....have to keep looking forward.

I tried a primark shop on the weekend but luck wasn't on my side! Our primark store is very close to the beach so even though I was there when it opened so were all the beach goers buying shorts tshirts, bikinis and towels etc and it was heaving! The queue for the changing room was ridiculous so I bought a few things that'll just have to go trying again today in new look just to grab a pair of jeans! Whilst I'm proud that my old jeans are saggy round my bum and half falling down I'm aware it's not such a good look!
Hi Sophie. Read through your diary. I think moving up a step would be good. Will def help with exhaustion but as you know you'll still lose weight.

Rather than tgi Fridays where none of the food is very 'friendly' why not go to wetherspoons or something as your date night? I've just finished a 4 year degree and I would usually reward myself and celebrate with a meal and few drinks. Was weird not doing that. But I'm going to Liverpool to see the lion king tomorrow with a friend from uni and I've decided to go out for tea and have a chicken salad to celebrate. Going to stick to water though.

I know how it feels to have to sit and watch people eat when you're out. It's hard but how I feel when they've finished ia an amazing feeling and confirmation that I can do it.

Keep at it whatever you choose to do. You're doing fab

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Ahhhh thanks halebob :) The only reason I said tgi Fridays is because it's part of the cinema complex and we have limited time! The boys can be a tad tricky esp Freddie where he's teething so not got enough time to go anywhere else before an ideal world I won't have a day off at all! I may decide on the day to skip dinner and just take my bar and a bottle of water with me and Dan can just have cinema food! We'll see how I go..I'm going to have one more week of ss and then prob the week before the cinema I'll do a week of step 2 and that maybe enough to stop the cravings!
Weigh in day today...lost 3lbs :eek: I'll take that....imagine if I hadn't have had all that water tho to compensate for the tetras and bars....would've been a lot less! Haven't got so many this week!

Had my measurements taken as well. Lost 14 inches altogether! 5.5 of that is from my hips! Wahoo! And then 3.5 from my bust and 3.5 from waist and then an inch from thighs and arms! And I managed to buy a pair of size 16 jeans yesterday so it's all good :D
Ahh well done! A whole month of consistent big losses - I'm so jealous! (though I know it is because you've worked so hard and I could only hack 2 weeks before a 3 day binge) - 3lbs as your minimum loss all month is fab - good luck for next week!
Hi Sophie - just read through your diary and I am a bit in awe!

It's not surprising that you feel tired. I felt tired just reading it. :eek: Your husband sound fab though, really supportive, and your losses have been fantastic. Definitely spurred me on.
Ahhhhh auburnashes thank you! My husband is a sweetie and I'm v lucky to have found him! I was a single parent for four years before he came into my life and we're now six years on! I am doing well to stay 100% but I would say that it's pretty much a constant battle! Especially weekends, they are my nemesis! I am slightly grumpy today! I tried to take some photos for my photography assignment this morning and now I'm home I'm not happy with what's the first thing I do....? Think of chocolate and how it'd really cheer me up! :p I obviously haven't had any as I know it's part of my coping mechanism but I do think at times, geez I hate this bloody diet! Even though being on it is such a positive thing!
Day 34 today :) Still going strong! Not much to report! I'm hoping for 5lbs this week......over ambitious? Yes! But it'd be great to get to the two stone mark! Got a feeling I'll be a pound and a bit off tho! So I'm possibly going to have some time off the diet in about three weeks time.........I have a week where it's Father's Day......and as tradition we take hubs to the best restaurant for brekkie....not sure I want to miss out! Plus the day after that we move house and I just can't see me surviving on three shakes plus being able to drink enough water..I think it's going to be an eat when you can day and then five days after that it's Jacobs third birthday party and I'm not sure I want to miss out on all the party food, esp as I'm making it!

So I figured I would have my products inbetween..I'm not going to totally blow it but I also don't want to miss out on life...I know it'll set me back my a week or two...weigh in is half way through that week but that's life isn't it...I'm hoping by then to be almost 2.5 stone down so the motivation will still be there to get back on track!
Hey Sophiesophs - I think that's a great idea - i told you last week I'd binged and that was full on carbs/sugar etc. for 3 days and although i put on weight that week, this mornings weigh in I'd lost 5lbs (-3.5lbs from my weight the week before the binge) so it really doesn't matter for one week. If anything i think i felt pretty great afterwards: really motivated to continue because i had more energy and much happier with the lifestyle i could have on the diet. I think I'm going to work a 'cheat day' into every week (obviously not like last time - no carbs, no sugar so i stay in ketosis but some lean protein and green veggies so I feel like i can eat something!) because it really spurs me on through the week and I think gives me energy and makes the diet a lot more effortless. Also, you have to think, why are you doing the diet? I assume so you can feel better, be healthier and look nicer for the people close to you and for your own happiness - so it is counter-intuitive to miss out on special occasions with them!
Anyway - seems like I'm always trying to encourage you to cheat! You're doing a fab job and I hope this weeks weigh in does that justice :) xxxx
Thank you! Feeling v stressed right now so best to vent it on here instead of going to raid the cupboards!! It's half term down here and I would normally over eat. It can be lovely but also stressful! My daughter has just called me a horrible mum :cry:I took her ipad away for answering back to me so nothing too horrendous but made me have a little cry anyway! Coping technique would normally be some chocolate in some form or another and I soooooo want some right now! Hubby's been at work since 4am so I know when he comes home he'll be ( understandably ) grumpy and add in a teething baby and a loopy 3 year old.....urgh I want food ( and boiled eggs wouldn't hit the spot lol) :mad: