Sometimes in life you need a good rant don't you think?! So here's mine! What a morning!
Im soooooooo tired.......I'm up at 4-4:30 every morning as Freddie has turned into an early rising baby....and not getting into bed till 11pm as I'm having to pick Mia up from rehearsals every evening from town....a 20 mile round trip each time.....
so, I'm tired....scrap that exhausted...I'm potty training and I have a teething I really should've known better than to have left the house this morning! But I just wanted to exchange a pair of sandals for a pair of jeans in new look and buy some baby food in asda...hmmmmm that doesn't sound too bad....... :argh:
i had had to try some jeans on....big soon as I started taking my clothes off Freddie goes into full on I tried to multitask....take jeans off with one hand whilst madly shaking his toy robot at him and in the process ripped one of my nails 3/4 of the way...owwwwwwwwwww!
gave up on jeans and decided to go to asda...Freddie calmed down as we moved which was fab....get to asda and decide to buy some nail scissors which I can use when I get out the shop because finger is really sore....3/4's of the way round I notice that Jacob is stood there holding himself so we abandoned shopping and went on mercy mission to the toilets only to have him freak out when we get there because apparently we were previously in the biscuit aisle and he wanted to look at the biscuits?! :beam:
in process of doing his shorts back up I ripped my nail even more, prompting a near tearful response from me! We manage to pay but now Freddie is screaming again and everybody every two minutes random people are me what's wrong with him...if I knew..I'd be doing something about it!!!! Ask cashier girl for scissors to cut my scissors open as they were unopenable and of course she doesn't have any...customer services may......but as we walked past there's a ginormous queue...
manage to get to car, manually rip my nail...causing huge pain but it had to come Jacob to do wee on potty in the boot of the car and packed them both in to their car seats. I climb in the car and promptly burst into tears!! Enough is enough....there was only so much this Mummy can take on limited energy!
so.......not Cambridge related at all really..but boy do I feel better now!