The epic journey begins!

Well done - if the scales are shifting already, you are so going to do this!! x
Thanks hon, here's hoping! I forgot to say about the party that I had so many people telling me how great I looked......I don't take compliments v well...I guess I tend to think people are just saying it because they feel they have too, or because it's polite but I'm not going to felt good! Popping a picture on of me at the party......pretty much at the same stage as the halfway photo because of my slight blip but today my size 14's are starting to feel looser, yippeeeeeee!


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Weigh in later this morning......although dreaded totm started earlier.......blimin good timing huh?! Having said that apart from feeling bloated the scales shifted down again this morning and not up so fingers crossed for a good one!! :D
Wahoooo! Totally smashed weigh in! 8.5 lbs off! So lost the 3 from last week and then an extra 5.5lb! What?!!!! I was so happy I could've cried! Means I've hit another mini goal as now at my wedding day weight and I could poss hit the three stone mark next week! Bloody amazing! Also lost another 8 inches that's 22 inches overall in nine weeks!
Ha ha wish someone had said this to me years ago!! Might've made me think twice!!


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So another before and halfway picture.....I don't tend to notice the diff in the mirror only in photos! Had my hair done this morning and decided when I go back in sept my hairdresser has the permission to do something totally different as I'll deffo be at goal by then! Weekend going great so far today....not bothered about it like I have been in the past...I think you get to a certain point in your journey where the excitement just takes over! I can't believe I'm almost at three stone and heading towards my goal at what now seems a really fast rate!


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Wow, totally amazing WI result :D

It is fantastic to see you get straight back on it after moving & smashing through your mini-goals. Awesome stuff :)
These before / during / after pictures are really giving me hope that this time I can loose and keep weight off!
Only on day 4 but still positive and enjoying the stories etc
Wannabe, keep going sweetie!! It starts to get easier after today!!!
Thanks in a very positive frame of mind now! It's gotten to the stage where I haven't been this weight for about 4/5 years and it feels great and to know that I could be at the weight I was a decade ago in 7/8 ish weeks is totally spurring me on....getting comments about how much weight I've lost constantly now and it does make you feel good..I'm not going to lie! It makes a diff from not getting any! (Apart from hubby's comments..he'd always tell me I looked great bless him!)
Hi Sophie,

I'm in the right mind set at the mo, so all good so far.

But I know its wrong but 2 days Ive only managed to have 2 products, I've been out and drinking lots of water and by the time Ive got home its late so had a porridge then its bed time. Cant eat 2 in a row. NOt intentionally done it. Hope it doesn't make much difference tom . My 1st weigh in :confused:
Awwwww it won't make any difference to your weight loss as such just means that you're not getting your total amount of recommend daily vitamins and there any chance you could have your first one really early to help space it out through the day? Or.....for next week buy some of the ready made crayons so that you always have one in your handbag...they've been a lifesaver did me when I've had no time in the morning rush to have anything!! When's your weigh in? :) Xx
Wow SophieSophs, you're doing so well! Hoping I can do the same as you and keep going. Only on day 3 and I feel like I've been on this forever! Haha! Massive well done, you look incredible! xx
1st weigh in tomorrow at 2.45 !

I have tried the shales you make up - YUCK!! - but to be honest I've never liked milkshakes but thought I'd try these. So not sure if I'd like the ready made ones either. Loving the soup, porridge and rice pud .
Ha ha ready made crayons...I did mean the ready made crayons but you know that! Well at the two week point you're allowed to eat the bars so if you can hold out till then some of those are yummy! And again, handy to pop in your bag! Squinky, thank you! Oooo day three, that's a tough day! But if you can get through it you'll start to feel better soon!! Xx
First weigh in today................6lbs lighter than I was this time last week!! I am chuffed.! :)

Just got to keep it up and then I'm sorted in a number of months. Took a lot longer to put all this weigh and ugly feeling on but it's going, and not coming back!
Wannabe, 6lbs is a fab start!!! Well done you!

i had weigh in today and lost 4lbs :D Very chuffed with that as it gave me my three stone award plus means my bmi is. Ow at a level where I can officially apply to become a Cambridge very excited !!
Oh Sophie,

What great news! Can not wait to got to the 1 stone gone! Are you thinking of becoming a consultant? Bet its rewarding
If you can stay strong it'll only be another 1-2 weeks before you hit that one stone, and you'll feel so chuffed!! I'm starting to feel so good in myself! Was thinking about the plus points yesterday!

1. Shopping for smaller clothes, can't believe I'm bypassing the 16's and 18's to pick up a 14 and v soon it'll be a 12!
2. I don't get out of breath running, yes running (I used to plod!) up and down the stairs.....multiple times!
3. My skin feels better from drinking sooooooo much water!
4. I can feel less of my arse taking up the drivers seat in my car!
5. I have tons more energy and am able to stay awake later at night
6. I'm starting to feel better about myself when I'm out with hubby and the kids..instead of wanting to hide!
7. Don't mind my photo being taken now.....I have very few photos of myself at my heaviest as I couldn't face seeing myself.
8. Am not having to pick my outfit each day and think about covering my arms up....tummy still needs delicate coverage..slight overhang but arms I feel ok with now!
9. I don't now think of food as a comfort when I'm stressed, tired, bored etc
10. I know my husband loves me dearly and has said he loves me larger or smaller but........he's deffo more like a dog on heat now there's less of me....! I'm not complaining! :8855:

yes I've decided to be a consultant, it's all very exciting! Just in process of filling out my form! Xx