A gum drop free evening for me and after overdosing on Olbas Oil and then a Bufferin night capsule, I slept right through from 8:30 last night 'til 8am this morning. I seemed to have tamed the monster that I thought was killing me yesterday!
AND....When I woke this morning, I browsed through my wardrobe to see what I could wear. I have a total of 2 pairs of trousers, 1 pair of jeans (all donated by my sister-in-law a month ago 'cos she was fed up of seeing my trousers falling down!), a dress and a couple of tops that look half decent on me...none of my clothes fit me...but all for the right reasons

. I decided to try my Chinese style jacket on. I had this jacket tailored 6 years ago when hubby and I got married. I haven't been able to wear it for the past 5 and a half years. I was going to dump it about 6 months ago because it was so small that I could'nt even get my arms into the arm holes! I put it on today and wore it to work! It's still a little tight (especially when sitting down) but it fits!!! I was a little worried that it was too tight, but hubby gave me such a boost by telling me to 'wear it now, it'll be too big in a couple of weeks'.

So, my second mini-goal is reached! I think I may have also reached my third of getting to a size 18 as my size 20 trousers are starting to make their way downwards! Lots of room in waist, hips, bum and legs. My spare tyre is still very much there though, so maybe still a 20 on top. I was gonna get my clothes resized but still haven't got around to it. I can't wait to go shopping when I come home at Christmas, l
ook out Next, here I come!!! It's still gonna be a long while 'til I'm able to go shopping here in Beijing though, usually the largest size is a size 12...the equivalent to a Chinese ..... XXXL
I was chatting with hubby today about life, the World and, of course, my diet. He was saying about how much happier I am these days. I've always been a confident girl, always a go-getter and always pretty happy. But over the past few years I have become more and more withdrawn, angry with myself and the World and generally VERY bitter. Every time I walked down the street, I felt that people were staring, talking about me and giggling at me. In China it's not considered incredibly rude to call someone fat, so I often had people ask me outright why was I so fat? Why didn't I control my eating? These comments really stung, and being the stubborn ass that I am, I dug my heels in by pretending to not have a problem with my weight and just saying, 'you're the one with the problem, I'm perfectly happy as I am so just let me be.' and stuffing a cream doughnut in my mouth!Bullsh*t! I would often be really stand-offish with people who I paranoidly assumed where whispering behind my back and I always felt eyes on me.....especially whilst eating out!
I know I still have a long, long way to go, gosh, still another 4 stone, but I feel soooo in control. I know that I will reach that goal, hopefully before March next year!
My confidence has returned, my energy, my happiness,
I HAVE RETURNED!!!!:character00180:
One of the teachers at school today even said to me 'Paula, you look amazing, even if you stopped now, you would look great' Maybe fishing for a pay rise, but a huge rise for me all the same!!!
9pm and my little monkey still isn't in bed, singing with Daddy, so off I go to sort them out!
21 whole days of complete SS:clap: and the temptation of foods gets less and less with each day! (Although I was fancying a slice of toast with Welsh Butter t'other day:giggle: Shall wait 'til Christmas Morn!
Good Night all.....happy ss'ing