The fat is back

:eatdrink023::eatdrink023::eatdrink023::eatdrink023::eatdrink023:Thursday already!
Eiriana has still had a pretty rough week and has lost more than a kilo which for her is bad news as she's pretty small for her age as it is!:( She is getting better though and hopefully she'll be eating normally and back on her feet 100% by the weekend.

Me, I am sitting here very, very hungry for some reason. I was so proud of myself yesterday as we had a big Thanksgiving dinner at school (a day early as we had parent-teacher conferences today) and I helped to serve out all of the food to the kids and teachers. The smell was so delicious, I thought about having a little taste of turkey and sausages wrapped in bacon a couple of times, but the thought soon left my mind....and not only did it leave my mind I remembered how much I gorged last year at Thanksgiving, at least 5 slices of pumpkin pie!!!

However, today, the temptation has been multiplied by a thousand. The manager of the Shangri-la hotel that we get all of the children's meals from came to see me this afternoon and told me to give him a call when I was leaving the school as he had a Turkey for me:sigh:

So, I have a humongous turkey sitting in my fridge...baked potatoes with sour cream and bacon bits, corn on the cobs, stuffing, gravy and cranberry sauce....eeeeeeeekkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!

I had to drive home in the car with a freshly cooked turkey....murder!!!!

Too late to invite people over for a dinner party......

.....toyed with the thought of eating and going back ss tomorrow, but I called the school director to see if he had eaten already. he had, but he never passes up the opportunity of a free dinner so told me to keep the Turkey in the fridge and take it to him tomorrow. Had problems getting it into the fridge and toyed again with eating some of it to fit it in, but it's now past 11pm and, unless I do some serious sleep walking/eating, I think I have won the battle!

wow paula!
i dont know if i would have been able to withstand having a small portion!! even if it was just turkey and other no carb bits! you have certainly proved something to yourself! ((turkey and all the sides are very hard to resist, indeedy!

i think that the downfall of CD/SS for some (not all) is that you do sooo well from the start and then when you have that nibble or when we hit the Add A Meal Week, its oh so difficult to return to 100% SS. ok, so thats how it was for me.

i know that when i restart CD/SS after having baby #2 and breastfeeding, i will avoid AAMW like the plague. i have never ever regained that self-power. :(

anyways, that was a very difficult test that you have passed.
and on that note, fynn is summoning me...again. ((he's been a little grumpy guss, i hope this is a teething thing or a phase. lol))

oh and i do hopw your eirianna feels 100% again soon!!
So glad to hear your little girl is getting better, albeit slowly. Hopefully, each day she will get stronger and stronger xxx

Well done too on the turkey front - what a temptation to resist!
Afternoon/morning to you all!

2.4 lbs down this week and am seeing a little bit of a pattern....for some reason, I am losing less at the end of my period than what I am at the beginning, which seems to be contrary to what all medical professionals seem to observe....ah well, I'm still pretty happy with the loss! I am thinking though that I haven't lost a complete sone this month, 2lbs short I think!!!!:(

I'm feeling a little sore today as we had a staff outing to the Hot Springs yesterday. As well as some lovely relaxing massages, hot baths and body scrubs, there were water slides and this fantastic wave machine! Any other country in the world would be sued for opening such a wave pool, but that's the fun of being in China, no-one brings ridiculous court cases for your head being bashed against the pool wall when you're having tremondous fun! I wasn't too fussed on going into the wave pool, thought I might go and get a foot massage instead, but as soon as we got in..WOOOWWWWEEEEEEEE!!!!!! The waves were so huge that they were pushing you at a huge speed, thrashing you into other people and up against the wall! In some places there were mini whirlpool things that sucked you in (the water wasn't deep) and wouldn't let you go....SO MUCH FUN!!! Am a little sore today though!!!!

Eiriana is feeling much better, so we headed off to the aquarium this morning. She was really grumpy though and we had a bit of a to-do whilst we were there. I think that she's just feeling very fragile and bored, she's been couped up in the house for the past two weeks, I would be pretty grumpy too I think. While her and Daddy went for some lunch, I headed off to do some Christmas shopping. Got a few things ....I usually do it all in one trip, but I left after just 2 hours, too hot (freezing cold outside, so lots of clothes and boiling hot inside so you need to strip off and you end up carrying all your clothes as well as all the shopping!!!!) Got a few things though, will probably make a trip back tomorrow or one evening during the week.

Think I might go get my hair cut this afternoon, I was gonna get it dyed as well, but hubby is being really grumpy with me and asking me not too....he says that it is so bad for my hair and for my body, but I don't get it done that often. I think I might get it done regardless, see how I feel when I get there!

Hope everyone is having a good Saturday
I should be in bed, I'm feeling absolutely shattered as I have spent the whole day Christmas shopping, and apart from one or two stocking fillers and my hubby's pressie, I think I'm pretty much finished!

I'm here to vent, I'm feeling really peeved with people who want to impose their opinions on how bad CD is for me....most of those people themselves are very overweight, and as well as my question/answer of 'how unhealthy do you think being 6.5 stone overweight is?', I'm also feeling that there may be a hint of jealousy in there that I'm losing quite a lot and within a short amount of time.

This time the problem is with my sister-in-law...the same one who gave me the size 20 trousers when I was home in September. The size 20 trousers were too big for her and, along with a big bag full of other stuff, she proudly passed them on to me. I am a complete hypocrite as I felt a pang of jealousy that she was in a size 18 (she's been doing SW for the past 6 months) and I was getting her 'too big' hand me downs. Well during the week, I was chatting with my mam on skype when my brother and said wife came to visit. The first thing that my brother said was 'God Paula, you're wasting away' several other comments were also made, but all could be translated as either positive or negative...I tried to take them all positively.

Today when I was chatting with my mam, she said that after I had logged off during the week, they were all talking about my weight loss and my SIL asked how I had lost so much. When my mam told her, mam says her reaction was 'OH my god, what's the matter with her. That's so unhealthy and she'll end up being anorexic' When Mam told me this, I exploded! I've read so many people's experiences of negativity from others about CD and other VLCDs and I know how real this negativity is. I just really don't understand how people think that being SOOOOO overweight for years and years can be healthier than getting the weight off quickly using a diet that has been proven for 20 years!

Again, I know that I am a hypocrite however, as I slated a friend of mine who lost weight doing what she explained as Atkins (don't know the diet well enough to know whether the meat, cheese, butter and cream diet with no veg or fruit is actually what Atkins is).

Anyway, vent over!
Hey there, Just wanted to say - please hang in there - other peoples negativity and bitchyness can be so hard to deal with - I lost several friends first time around when i lost my 6 and a half stone but soon realised it was mostly because I wasnt the "fat friend" anymore, keep your chin up and keep up the good fight, your doing amazingly!

All is well here in the Zhou household! I had my package from Singapore yesterday and was so excited to have my delicious Oriental Chilli soup last night!!!! (Was getting a little down with just the sweet stuff that was left and the not so yummy Mushroom soup).

Of course, I weigh myself every day, and am a little worried as I seem to have gone up quite some since my last 'official' weigh in....I know it's probably water retention as no none-CD morsel has passed my lips since October 3rd (how long is that? 7 weeks?) Anyway, I see how things turn out at the weekend!

The below is copied from my last post on Dis's diary

Was just re-reading your last post on my diary, and you know that my biggest fear is introducing food. I'm so scared that my Christmas plan of slowly introducing food and then trying to get back on 100% when I get back here is going to fall flat. I know that Kay, the friend who introduced me to VLCD's in the first place is having a lot of difficulty getting back SS. She lost about 6 stone but has about another stone and a half to lose, but, I think 'cos she looks so great now, it's so difficult for her to get the will power to go back 100% :sigh:

I think that, if I don't do too much damnage over Christmas, I'll need to stay on CD for another 2-3 months to get to goal.

I've never had an aam week, is it really important that you do that? When I was reading about VLCD's before I started this, most doctor advice was that you stay on for 12 weeks, have a break then if you need to restart, do so after that.

I copied this for my own reference, something that I MUST look back on when I get back to Beijing on January 4th........anyone out there who hasn't heard from me by the 6th, please Skype, E-mail, Call or get a plane over here and make me go back SS!!!!!

Hi Paula

please don't take it to heart, there will be 2 reasons for her reaction, first and foremost JEALOUSY, she has been battling for 6 MONTHS to lose whatever weight she has lost and here you are sailing through it and looking fab in a much shorter time. Then of course the next reason people show such negativity is their lack of knowledge of Cambridge. If I knew someone had lost so much weight in a short space of time before I became aware of Cambridge, then I have to admit I would be negative too. YOU know you aren't going to become an anorexic and the only way to get through it is continue the way you are doing and when you see them in person at Christmas they will see just how healthy and happy you are which should speak volumes.

Don't ever let anyone else bring you down, you are doing amazing
And Thanks to you too Dawn! You are always so very supportive, and in my heart of hearts, I know that what you say is so very, very true, and that my own opinion would have been the same without the knowledge that I have now!


Gooood Morning, Birthday Girl! ((bet you thought i'd forget, eh?))

Whats on the agenda for today then? lots of fun? romance? family time? a pre-planned meal? haha i just tought of something: instead of having a real cake, you could always attempt the "muffin" recipe using the CD packs, stick a candle in it and sing away. lol

well, whatever is planed for your special day, i do hope it is wonderul! ((mind you, your day is half started by the time im writing this...))

on another note, how are you getting on with CD? ((i know i could scroll down and read for myself but i really need to hang with fynn today so im limited on the laptop, hence limited on time to chat properly)).
i wlll pop back in when he's having his naptime so i can catch up on my own PLUS your diary...

anyways, you take care!!! and again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you girls!!!!

I had a fabulous birthday and entered my 33rd year with a huge smile on my face and so much hope and love in my heart.

My day started with a 6am wake up call from my mam and dad singing Happy Birthday, hubby bought me a stunning gold and diamond 'carrie' style necklace of course, the name said 'Paula' rather than 'Carrie'! Another parcel off mam and dad with funky earrings and necklace and a new bra and knicks....size 16 knickers ..... fit perfectly whoot whoo!!!!

At school, I had a pile of pressies on my desk from different teachers and assistants, and during the morning the whole school gathered to celebrate with me Montessori style. I had to hold a globe of our World and walk around the 'sun' (a lit candle) 32 times, telling a story of different milestones of my life along the way. I'd also prepared photos of me from when I was I child, up 'til now. I really enjoyed getting these photos ready as I realised a few things when looking through all of my old pics, I thought that I was much slimmer than I am now when I met my hubby, (he's been telling me that I a much slimmer now than when we met for the past month or so, I just thought he was being silly!) but apparently not...the camera never lies they say! I think I just had much more confidence then, and I had shorter skirts and skimpier tops :eek::D:eek:

The celebration ended with a huge fruit and fresh cream cake, which I blew out the candles on and then shared with all the kids and teachers, didn't even give a second thought about not eating it myself!!!

Had quite a few meetings in the afternoon, but hubby had bought tickets to a show for the evening, so went straight from school to the theatre area. Hubby and eiriana went for some dinner first, just some noodles and pancakes...oh the pancakes looked soooo good and I had a tiny, bite. Smelled and looked much better than they tasted and didn't need a second bite!

The show was fantastic, 'The Legend of Kung Fu' very romantic with a mix of kung-fu and ballet. I cried at several parts, really a wonderful show with such profound meaning. One thing about China is that the Chinese are very accepting of children which means that they are welcome anywhere, restaurants, theatres, even bars!!!!! Eiriana sat entranced throughout the whole thing and hasn't stopped telling everyone about it yet!!!!

Yesterday after school, I went to the spa and had a full body oil massage and a facial...3 hours of pure bliss....mmmmmm

Don't know what to do today......we need to put up our Christmas tree (as we're only here for another 2 weeks), I want to go to the photo studio to get pics taken as I always get Christmas cards and calendars made of Eiriana....

I'm 2lbs down again this week, it has taken my BMI to 29.9 on my pounds ticker, but still 30 on my my kg ticker. :confused: My weighing scales only measures in kgs, so I'm not gonna celebrate 'til the KG ticker gets less than 30....bye bye obesity!!!!!!

5.7 lbs to go, in two weeks :eek: to realise my Christmas Challenge, hope my 2lb a week regular gets a shift forward next week!

Good luck to all you guys and dolls, have a fab weekend!:bliss:
Sounds like your birthday was amazing and well done you on your willpower! Especially the having one bite part, sometimes I find stopping at one harder than not nibbling in the first place if that makes sense. I really enjoy reading your diary, it's a source of inspiration!
hello there mrs paula!
your bday celebrations "montessorri style" sounded so lovely! ((good on you for not even thinking about having cake))

it sounds like you are getting ever so anxious to come home for xmas!! its a nice feeling, just knowing that home isnt far away, dont you think? (time-wise, i mean)

oh, and before i forget, i luv your new avatar! i cant believe how different you look from the pics on your facebook page compared to now. you are beautiful in your before pics...and even more so in the current pics!!! you dont need me to tell you that you've come sooo very far. but i will: you've come so far! hahaha

i know i havent been on very much lately, but im always popping in, reading whats going on with you and everyone else
what date are you flying out, by the way??
A very busy week so far. We have our 15th Anniversary Annual Winter Party this coming Sunday and all of the schools are running around trying to get things organised. Felt a little under the weather yesterday with a tremondous headache, shivers and very sore back. The weather here is bitterly cold these days and I need to wear my long johns :)cool:) to stop my muscles in my back from getting too cold. Listen to me, I sound like an 80 year old!!!

I am feeling much less pain in my back these days than I ever used to though. I only ever get very bad pains when I'm on my period or on very cold days. I get pretty regularly cupping done though and that helps to draw a lot of the cold out. TCM docs here all say that, as well as the weight (which is coming off!!!) it is down to me not resting and staying at home for the first month after I had Eiriana. When I was pregnant with her, I thought that it was all a load of poo-poo, just old-wives tales and a little bit silly. But the more I learn about TCM and the more I listen to my body, I know that it is all oh-so-true. In China, (and many other countries all over the World) for the first month after giving birth, women are not allowed to use air conditioning or electric fans, not allowed to shower and not allowed to leave the house. The reasoning behind this is that when you are pregnant, the hormone relaxin (sp) loosens not only the joints of your pelvis, but also joints in different areas all over your body, (hence some women's feet grow a few sizes). And when they are thus loosened, it is easy for cold and damp to get into them causing pain and arthritis later on. Feet, hands, knees and backs are especially susceptible. IN TCM, the regular period pain that most women in the West would just reach out for a pinkiller for is actually an illness which is treatable and can be got ridden of pretty easily. Doing this early on can not only save women from many years of monthly pain but increase fertility and decrease the chances of a difficult menapause.

OK, enough of the medical lesson from Dr. Paula......:rolleyes:

I'm feeling much better today, a little sexy even if I do say so myself!!!

Hoping that all of you guys are well and that the week doesn't present you with too many Christmas work functions where you're obligated to eat!

Love to you all!
Boogie Wonderland

Dance.....boggie wonderland!!!!!!

Eiriana and I were just watching the 'Boogie Wonderland' part of 'Happy Feet'. Of course, we got up and danced, and hubby, who was still eating his dinner, turned around to watch us, and I saw a look in his eyes that I haven't seen for 6 years!

I have always loved dancing, and when we met 6 years ago, he would watch me from a bar stool as I went and boogied. Everytime I glanced at him, he would be looking at me with a grin on his face and everyone would comment on the obvious love for me - and only me - that he had in his eyes.

I haven't danced in public for quite some time, too self-concious and embarrassed. But my little jig to 'Boogie Wonderland' this evening brought back a glint in the eye and a smile on hubby's face that I'd almost forgotten....looking forward to some fun tonight.....;):D;)