fat in the jing
as happy as a lark!

Eiriana has still had a pretty rough week and has lost more than a kilo which for her is bad news as she's pretty small for her age as it is!
Me, I am sitting here very, very hungry for some reason. I was so proud of myself yesterday as we had a big Thanksgiving dinner at school (a day early as we had parent-teacher conferences today) and I helped to serve out all of the food to the kids and teachers. The smell was so delicious, I thought about having a little taste of turkey and sausages wrapped in bacon a couple of times, but the thought soon left my mind....and not only did it leave my mind I remembered how much I gorged last year at Thanksgiving, at least 5 slices of pumpkin pie!!!
However, today, the temptation has been multiplied by a thousand. The manager of the Shangri-la hotel that we get all of the children's meals from came to see me this afternoon and told me to give him a call when I was leaving the school as he had a Turkey for me:sigh:
So, I have a humongous turkey sitting in my fridge...baked potatoes with sour cream and bacon bits, corn on the cobs, stuffing, gravy and cranberry sauce....eeeeeeeekkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!
I had to drive home in the car with a freshly cooked turkey....murder!!!!
Too late to invite people over for a dinner party......
.....toyed with the thought of eating and going back ss tomorrow, but I called the school director to see if he had eaten already. he had, but he never passes up the opportunity of a free dinner so told me to keep the Turkey in the fridge and take it to him tomorrow. Had problems getting it into the fridge and toyed again with eating some of it to fit it in, but it's now past 11pm and, unless I do some serious sleep walking/eating, I think I have won the battle!