I'm back in the Jing!
Have had a fabulous Christmas at home in Wales. Mam and Dad are doing very well and we had a really lovely time catching up and partying!
Had a great time going out with friends too...had the best night out dancing with this new found confidence I have......rather smug in the knowledge that I could've pulled a hundred times over

I had a great first week kind of 790'ing, but along came the parties!!!! Day before Christmas Eve, we had a big family party, I actually took it pretty easy that day, had a little more than I had originally thought I would, but my 'light meals' and 'non-snacking' ended promptly on Boxing Day. I got myself into the mentality that 'oh well, I'll be back on CD in a week or so, so what the hell'. I'm trying to persuade myself that it was Christmas and that was my excuse, but inside, I'm terrified that I'll always have this 'gorge myself now and thinking of the consequences later' mentality!
Anyway, got back to Beijing yesterday, 4 suitcases of Christmas Pressies and...of course....new clothes for me!!! (I was actually really refrained, went into Cardiff for the day, Xiao Zhou said that he'd like to come with me....he had a little shock, everytime we've ever gone in the past, we've stopped off at Evan's, M+S's, and maybe a book shop or two!!!! We hardly made it to half of the shops and only got as far as Dorothy Perkins before all the shops closed! Didn't buy so much though, but had a helluva lot of fun trying it all on!)
Well, here's for the damage.......actually really, really surprised and incredibly happy,
Weigh in January 5th - 83.6 KGs
Christmas Gain - 1.4 KGs or 3.08 lbs
Not too bad at all for a week of chips and choc!!!!
Actually, really found my weakness on this holiday...I could go without choc any day, my weakness lies with crisps, sandwiches and cracker nibbles....ah well.....
Anyway, I'm hoping for the Christmas gain to be off within this week.
I'll post more later, it's 1:30pm now and we've all only just got up, and I really need a shower!!!