Their gonna make a movie of the things that they find crawling round my brain!
:wave_cry::wave_cry:Should have wrote here last night, not too sure what the problem was with me, but I felt/feel so very, very depressed. I felt upset with my hubby, but there was no reason for me to be. I so very wanted to eat. I felt so sad that I hadn't eaten in four and a half months, except for over the Christmas period. I felt so sorry for myself and that other people just thought that that was what I should be doing, especially hubby.
I'm not sure whether the whole thing was tied in with us going for lunch at my favourite restaurant in the world yesterday. It was my suggestion, and from the very beginning of this diet, I knew that going to The Orchard would be the ultimate test for me. I didn't flinch, didn't even think about the fact that I was missing out on the the most amazing taste sensation Beijing can offer: organic fruits and vegetables grown in the surrounding orchard, fresh meats and fish from surrounding farms and home-grown herbs and spices...mmmmm......
Anyhow, The Orchard has an exclusive little boutique attached, selling hand-made clothes, jewelry, leather items and furniture. There was a gorgeous little peasant style dress that would look gorgeous on Eiriana and I was getting ready to get it when I realised I didn't have any cash on me. When I asked hubby, he looked at me and said 'no', that it was too expensive. Yes, so, it was a little pricey, about 28 pounds, but not even as close as what he'd just spent on lunch! I felt like a little kid throwing a tantrum, I felt really sad and I guess, shopping has become my new addiction since I've been doing CD. Retail therapy has been so satisfying when I have nothing to munch on. I guess, yesterday I felt so very unsatisfied. So very sad. So very empty.
So, I sulked, I threw a toddler tantrum and chose not to speak with hubby all day yesterday, or today so far!
This post is very disjointed, apologies to anyone who chooses to read, but, I think I was also a little annoyed that other people were not as excited and impressed with The Orchard. Hubby pushed his food around the plate complaining the whole time. Renata's husband joked about European style restaurants and their ridiculous prices and bad food, and Renata didn't really say much at all. I needed some 'food porn' as Kay calls it! I needed people to tell me how wonderful the food tasted, how beautiful the place was and what a good idea it was for me to suggest this place. I know that all this suggests insecurity and I just do not know where these emotions are coming from. I still feel fat, fat, fat. I still feel a little afraid that I won't be accepted, that others will joke about me when I eat, and that others may even be joking about the fact that
I can't eat.
It goes on! Yesterday I had asked all of our staff to wear Chinese style clothes. I have two very nice jackets, both of which I haven't worn since Christmas. I haven't really lost much weight since Christmas, 4-5kgs, so thought that they would both be fine. But when I put them on yesterday, they were soooo big and looked like tents. I know I should've been happy, but I needed to show off my new figure, and baggy, tent like clothes don't do that so well! I sulked! And even though I had a million and one compliments from people who hadn't seen me for a while, I still felt so very self-concious, embarrassed and FAT!
Analyse this!
What's going on with Paula?
More and more still!
Have been exercising quite a lot since we came back 3 weeks ago and can already see a difference in my arms and shoulders especially. Muscles really becoming quite defined....but, my weight loss seems to be very slow and quite insignificant which is another cause of this dark mood I think. Just 0.6 KGS this week, just over a pound! I know, a pound is still a pound, but all of this exercise and still no Orchard Salad and home-made bread!!!!!

What's up with that?
I know that muscle is heavier than fat and that I'm building up my muscle now, but I need the fat and weight to be gone too!
What to do, what to do?
Anyhow, have a bucketful of work to do today, so need to get my @rse in gear and get it done, pull myself out of the darkness and realise how very far I have come.