The First Diary of Trudy C age 40 something!

Trudy just being overweight sounds good at moment, going to check a chart myself, hope this mix is the best concoction todate x
Well the tofu cake went in the bin after a third bake - just not for me. Tasted okay but the texture was not for me so worth a try for you guys as it might be up your street! Got through the second birthday cake with a cup of peppermint tea and a couple of my trusty muffins. Feel better now. Just had some chicken too and so far, so good. Really want 'something' but not sure what that something is - still got a couple of muffins to have so might have some with some tofu creme. Day off tomorrow and a few things to do but other than that my last quiet day of the week. Better make the most of it! Hope Ben sleeps in a little bit tomorrow morning and if he doesn't that he plays contentedly for a little bit!!! Not much of a hope.
Bared my legs to the sun for the first time and although I slipped into my size 16 cropped trousers (and they were loose) I still don't feel 'good', in a way I guess that is a positive thing as it keeps me going. Hard to ignore my lumps and bumps which is hilarious as before they were tyres and mountains and I just ignored them!!!
Sooooo looking forward to a PV day tomorrow - might make some BNS soup tonight!!! Got two festering in the fridge!

So another PP day:-

B - 2 tofu cakes
L - salmon and boiled egg/ 2 muffins
D - paprika chicken and Dukan BBQ sauce/ 2 muffins with tofu creme

Roll on tomorrow.
I'm the same Trudy...the lumps and bumps ....looking at them every morning as I pass the full length mirror in my not so skimpies :) sets me up nicely for a dukan breakfast lol x

p.s. baked the mince flan tonight - smells goooooooooood :D thanks x
Totally agree alottolose! I just need to keep my head down and believe that the end result will be good! Do realise that I will need a tummy tuck to have a flat tummy as years of serious yo-yo dieting and one pregnancy have taken their toll - no amount of diet and exercise is gonna help that one!!!! Anyway a lovely wake up this morning with another 2 lbs gone. Today I have lost 100lbs on Dukan - NEVER did I imagine when I started Dukan that I would get into triple figures of weight loss....... Soooooo happy. x
Woohoo 100lb-well done you!!
God......100 lb congratulations and celebrations x what an achievement you deseve a tummy tuck....
Fabulous weight loss T it takes some committment ........... I admire you so much for sticking with it ............. and its a big thank you to you too for helping me in my dukan journey :) :) :)
Ahhhhh Chris would have missed you on my journey................ Much easier with my minimin pals around! Had a good day off which started at 7 ish with my WI so a good beginning. Was pretty tired but as expected Ben was not feeling a lie in this morning and was calling me v loudly from 7! Got him some toys and a drink and then climbed back into bed for a snooze - just not gonna happen in Ben's eyes so eventually I gave in and turned on Cbeebies and he settled down to get square eyes while I snoozed!!! Next thing the door goes and that was that!!! Up and about! Then realised I had a forgotten a swim date with a friend and her children so any plans I had went out the window!! Did however have lots of fun swimming with five children and then went to local farm shop for lunch..... Then off to town to do boring stuff for work and then a bit of shopping!!! Got a lovely couple of tops in Primark - both the same style - one size 16 and the other a 14 thinking I would shrink into the 14 - turns out it is the better fit!! Soooooo excited!!! Then remembered I had rehearsal at 7pm so did a quick food shop in M&S and rushed home to cook Ben a quick dinner and dash back out again!!!! Just in from rehearsal and remembered thank goodness that I have an early start as mare and foal gotta go to the vets first thing!!!! My crazy week starts here!!!!!!
Anyway lovely PV day today and as it is Monday have eaten the house bare........
B - omelette with onion, turkey, mushroom and smoked paprika - yum, yum double yum
L - turkey, mushroom and leek with cabbage and carrot
D - chicken and salad - 2 muffins
S - 2 muffins and a skinny latte

Gosh I really have eaten lots and lots!!! Found the most wonderful thing in M&S - ready cubed BNS without sweet potato - yay - will gladly pay extra to not have to peel and cube the stuff - drives me nuts - sooooo excited!!! LOL
glad to see you had a good dukan day but a hectic one ........ far better than ironing! If you wasnt so busy T you would be very bored - thats what I tell myself. I will have finished work for the summer in 7 weeks and then I miss my work but then it goes with the blink of an eye and its September again. I'd come and help you if I lived in Hereford :)
Ah thanks Chris could do with a lovely flower decoration for the table and I guess you would do a grand job!!! LOL! Up early this morning to load mare and foal ready to go to the vets - gonna have to do some loading practice with him as literally carried him in and thats not gonna work for much longer! LOL! Have a great day everyone - boring PP day- lets see what I can do with it!! My dear friend has lost 12 lbs in a week!!!!! Go Dukan - did say to her that I thought she was carrying alot of water weight but whoa - amazing loss - she is finding it easy which I knew she would - once her teeth are in she doesn't let go! x
wow what a brilliant loss... is she joining us here ??

I need to load my baby.... that will be fun haha... just about to trudge out in the snow to get the ponies in.... they will be mighty peed off to have been out in that last night.... its so deep i almost lost my spaniel when i let her out this morning lmao. have done my highland show entries this morning eeek.... 2 youngsters entered 1 class after the other... must be mental and ill have to try find another handler as ill never be able to run round the main ring 2 classes on the trot LOL im gonna be there for the 4 days as ive paid for membership.... looking forward to being able to watch lovely horses all 4 days :D
T, thinking more in the lines of mucking out! Er No better stick to flowers - LOL x
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Ha, ha Chris u can muck out any time you like! Busy, busy day today and not my favourite with the horses - I just couldn't get it right today - back to the drawing board and tomorrow is another day!!!!HMMMMMMM!!!!!
Had rehearsal tonight and lots of people I hadn't seen for a while were there and everyone thought I looked slim!!! LOL! Well gorgeous and voluptuous!!! Hilarious.......
Anyway a bit of an uninspiring PP day where I definitely did not eat enough - mind you the batch of muffins I made today were delicious - quite possibly the best I have made thus far and they didn't get off to a good start when I dropped the eggs and had to scrape them off the floor (luckily a newly cleaned floor)!

B - 2 muffins
L - ham
D - chicken/ 2 muffins

Lots of coffee too................. Seriously need to cut down on the caffeine - maybe after the weekend tho!
could be worse... you could have snow like me.... a show this weekend ...and not being able to get them ridden grrrr
Busy day today again, getting ready for the clinic, keep remembering things that need doing and then forget them again - oh well hopefully I have remembered most of the important things!!! LOL. Ben away with Daddy for the weekend which is sad as I will miss them but I am sooooo busy that it's better that way than rushing around ignoring them!!!! Packed up his Easter eggs - bet Daddy lets him eat them all at once!!! LOL! Mammoth shop tomorrow to cater for 30 people each day for lunch and then canapés for 60 on Sat night - ohhhh get to wear my lovely dress!! HEEE HEEE! Menus planned, keeping it simple and tasty - gotta try and get my potato salad made tomorrow as always tastes better after a day in the fridge!!! Hope I am not tempted to eat anything over the weekend - sometimes hard to resist when you feel knackered which is why I am gonna have plenty of muffins and meat to hand. Made a cottage pie tonight for Friday's PV and some soup so that at least to hand for then!!!
People started arriving today and nice to see them - they all think I look totally different which is nice!!! Just gotta keep going.....

LOVELY PV food day today

B - 2 muffins
L - steak/carrot and swede/mushroom and onion sauce
D - cottage pie with broccoli/2 muffins and tofu creme

Two others things to tell you - steak I had today was a flat iron steak from M&S - cost £4.00 for two nice size steaks - sooooo good and tender - bargain!!!! Will be getting more of them - defo in line with fillet!
Made my very best muffins ever yesterday and they are divine - wish I knew what I had done differently when I made them but they are amazing!!! LOL!
Trudy your muffins were made with love.....that's you cook them all you can think is I looove muffins lol
busy busy lady... hope all goes well with the clinic this weekend :D my highland entries are in :D eeek now starting to panic lol better practice my running for that big ring lol hopefully hubby will let me loose with the credit cards LOL hope daddy gets ben to eat other food apart from chocolate LOL
Trudy are you posting pictures of you in your new frock x would be nice to see x