Thanks Ellie and Chris - love my dress, love my dress, love my dress LOL!!! Don't know if it is because I am soooo tired or something but food wise been struggling today and finding Dukan tough!!!! Or maybe it was the flippin cheese cheat!
Busy day back at work with the girls tidying up the chaos from the weekend. Didn't work horses just caught up on all the paperwork and stuff from last week. Then gathered together a load of photos from the weekend for the next newsletter which is going out next week so will be good for people to see such a current event. Nice to have Ben home though he has been spoilt rotten and is trying his luck a little - was a great little helper round M&S so brownie points for that!!! Bought a pair of size 14 jeans from there - their budget ones and although a wee bit snug they are fine so that is cool - was only three weeks ago that I bought a pair of size 16 ones from there and they were snug but noticed today they are quite loose already!!! WOOOO HOOO..........
Nice to have a quiet nite in tonight as been over a week since I had one. Made some mince flan tonight ready for tomorrow but didn't have all the ingredients as my fridge was raided for soup ingredients at the weekend and some of my staples are missing - GRRRR - should have checked the fridge before I went shopping!!! Well, hope it tastes alright. Bought six of the flat iron steaks from M&S today and looking forward to having a couple of them on my PP day tomorrow!
Soooooo PP day!
B - 2 muffins
L - turkey/ham
D - prawns/chicken/dukan bbq sauce/ 2 muffins
Off to bed shortly!!!!