The First Diary of Trudy C age 40 something!

So crazy day at the ranch hence no time to catch up with my minimins pals. Just got back into the house about an hour ago and had to finish off the potato salad and make some more muffins and then tidy up the house just a little after it was invaded by about 20 people throughout the day!!! Ben gone off with Daddy which he was v excited about - hope they have a good time. They are off to Bristol zoo on Saturday, hope Ben doesn't end up in with the lions!!!! Everyone has arrived so the place is full to bursting. Everyone just cannot believe how different I look which is nice and they keep saying lovely things!!! One lovely young girl who is v v shy came up and said I looked lovely which was so v v sweet!
Looking forward to wearing my new dress on Saturday but hope I get at least five minutes to put some make up on and do my hair!! Soooo nice to have so many clothes that fit and sooo many to chose from - and hopefully will be able to look smart and professional instead of dressed head to toe in black, black, black - mind you as I typed that I realise I have laid out a completely black outfit for the morning - LOL! Up at five to get the five horses worked that aren't doing the clinic and get mucked out and tidied up ready for 9.00am kick off!!! Hope the weather is okay in the morning and we don't get drowned with rain!
Anyway, PP day today and not really eaten enough again, just too busy and rushing around from start of the day till getting in bed tonight - at least tomorrow a PV day and I already have meals prepared to heat up quick and eat on the run - hopefully that will keep me away from the goodies on offer!!!
B - 2 muffins
L - turkey
D - chicken/ 2 muffins
Also had two skinny latte which is definitely over my milk allowance but was on my knees by 4.00pm and feeling v v weak so just felt like I needed it!!! Hopefully Dr Dukan will forgive me!
Ellie I am starting to get excited about the show season. Hubby defo needs to get the cc out for your outing!!!
Trudy it all sounds very exciting x love it when you say the ranch it paints such a beautiful picture in my head with all the magnificent horses. You sound like your buzzing with adrenaline and enjoy the comments you've worked damm hard for it x I always think black looks professional but I love colour, so try and add a splash to reflect your personality x and listening to your ben lol he sounds like a right little character have a brilliant day, hope the weather stays fair and no temptations Trudy x
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hope all goes well today hun and the weathers kind... make sure someone takes a pic of you in your dress :D after seeing the forcast for the weekend and me taking the bin to the end of the drive in torrential rain in my jammies i may add :p I dont think we will be going to the show and if we do it will just be the bay boy .... really cant be bothered getting a grey ready in piddling rain lol she would be on first thing then he would be later in the afternoon so mean a whole day in the rain :( then try and get ready for going out for dinner at night so will re-asses in the morning ;)
Well such a hectic day but a good one. Clinic all okay so far and apart from being cold the weather held out!
Was absolutely starving most of the day but sooooo proud of myself preparing all the food for everyone else and completely sticking to plan without the slightest deviation............ Three more days to go so hopefully I can stick with it !!! Did have a vodka tonight but figured in the scheme of things not the biggest crime!!! V v tired now as just got in and climbed into bed leaving everyone else drinking!!!! I am getting old I think!

B - 2 muffins
L - BNS Soup/ cottage pie with BNS and Celeriac topping
D - steak/prawn/salad/ mushrooms/2 muffins

Might struggle a wee bit tomorrow with it being a PP day but fingers crossed I can do it - dreaded cocktail party tomorrow night - lots of delicious canapés to make and serve - mind you will be wearing my dress so hopefully lots of incentive to stay on the straight and narrow!!! LOL
Well done for getting through the day unscathed!! :) Best of luck with the canapes etc tomorrow, make sure you've dukanny things on hand xxx

Enjoy the dress :) xx
Trudy what a day you had.....big pat on your back to not slipping of the Dukan wagon, wow girl your in the zone, think that voddie was well deserved, have another productive day and after making all those 'nibbles' you'll not even fancy one xx
T its all sounding good - and you should be very very proud of yourself your minimin friends most definately are :winner:your our No. 1 Dukaner have another good hectic dukan day xxx
your a saint trudy :D hope tonight goes well xx
Aww Chris R - sorry not to post - busy bee!!! So today hectic again but another fab day......Weather has held out with only a sprinkling of rain - our day tomorrow just gonna be crazy as so much to pack in. So - managed to avoid any food treats but have been on the vodka again!!! LOL! A must I am afraid after the long day! The cocktail party went fab and the canapés went down a storm with no left overs. But had a very very crap start to the evening....... For the first time EVER I managed to take time to get myself ready for the party - did makeup which went well and then all I had left to do was slip into much anticipated dress - hmmmmmm - what happened - the zip broke - now I tell you ladies this dress is no longer tight - it was snug when I bought it two months ago but believe me it has room now so how the hell could the zip go?- I know it sounds ridiculous but I was absolutely gutted!!! I promptly put on another dress which was 'okay' but I was proper gutted!! Anyway my angel friends came to the rescue and sewed the dress together beautifully without the zip and it looked AMAZING!!! To put that dress on felt unreal and I don't care that I still have a way to go - tonight I felt stunning and sassy!!!! My boss took photos and I probably look like a house but I DON"T care - never have I had so many compliments and nice comments!!!
So a cool day my minimins friends - tomorrow may be a disaster but I loved today..... Also been running around all over the place and it was good not to feel sore and stiff - even ran down the walk which is 1/2 mile instead of waiting for a lift!!!! Get me!!!
So PP day and apart from alcohol ..........
B - 2 muffins
L - chicken with chilli and paprika
D - mince flan/ 2 muffins
3 vodkas and diet coke

The scales may make me pay for my drinking but hey ho - I will take it on the chin! LOL!
Ah T thats brilliant (not the blasted dress tho) you so deserve all those lovely compliments & admiration. I can just see you on BBC Breakfast telling people all about Dukan and your fabulous results - local paper headlines 'local horse woman loses 124lbs on 'that' french diet' - so very proud of you - go girl go girl xxx next weigh should be a corker with all the running around you've been doing too lets not think about the voddie (shush) :) have a good day

p.s a weigh to go? 24 lbs bloody hell Mrs TC you've cracked it
shame about the zip but sewing angels rescued you, great diary post, and wow feeling sassy what a great evening <3 hope you slept well ? Hahaha you probably dropped in the bed. Have another great day xxx
oh trudy... that brought a tear to my eye :cry: what amazing friends you have to fix the dress and im so pleased you felt amazing...and the dress wasnt snug anymore :D cant wiat to see pics xx
Will only get to see the pics next week so will post one if they are any okay ones!!!! Felt slightly ropey this morning and getting up was fun!!!! Dukan hangovers are not the best tbh!!! Will be glad to not to see 5am again for a wee bit - four days in a row with late nights every nite is taking it's toll!!!! Last day tomorrow and hosting a show. Got 6 horses going in the ring as two gone lame over the weekend - one with a horrible cut on his knee and the other through a long term problem that has flared up again!!! With the show to set up, refreshments to deal with, lunch to prepare for 30 people it's gonna be a very busy one!!!! Hope the weather forecast is wrong and that we get a fair day instead of the predicted rain. The dressage arena has been set up outside so they will have to get wet for sure as defo not redoing that in the indoor!!!
Anyway another PP day - wasn't sure whether to weigh in the morning or wait till Tuesday but have remembered we are going out to dinner to a posh restaurant tomorrow night and I defo want to have veg!!! So tomorrow it is - if the scales are up I will accept that it hasn't been the perfect Dukan week because of drinking a couple of nights in a row but at least I have stayed strong on the food front - today was especially hard with the hangover and I had to serve lasagne and garlic bread to everyone - god it smelled soooooo good!!! Also all the chocolate around nearly caved me in but thank goodness I didn't give in!!! LOL......

B - 2 muffins
L - turkey/mince flan
D - mince flan/prawns/beef/2 muffins

Lots of caffeine!!!
So I lost a pound this week - hmmmmmm - kick up the jacksy for me tbh, though a pound is a pound I expected more due to my busy, physical week!!! Despite running around non stop their are several factors that may have slowed the weight loss - drinking alcohol, not eating enough, not accounting too much for the way meat has been prepared - been out and about this week a lot and have had pure protein but perhaps in broth or a light sauce which I haven't actively eaten but which may have affected my loss! Anyways on and!!!!
You might have a bigger loss when your back to normal ....... whats done is done so dont worry Mrs still proud of you not many could have done what you have this weekend and only had a drink ....... you will be ready to collapse when this holiday over Mrs XXX
a lb is a lb so dont be disheartened... you will be glad when today is over and some sort of normality is resumed :D
A loss is a loss, well done Trudy youve packed so much into this week end and been surround by food and drink and only had a couple of vodka (not worth remembering) bloddy well done you. Tbh what does that mean?
TBH = to be honest