The First Diary of Trudy C age 40 something!

Smuckers Sugar Free. fat free Caramel sauce - probably not totally dukan friendly but nice on a muffin for a bit of a treat - will probably reconsider it's use after Monday if the scales don't shift - got it bought over from the guys who came over from the states last week - Silver mentioned it so got some!!! LOL!
Trudy what a nice thank you off your boss, I've been to a day spa and loved it so a weekend one sounds like heaven x
STILL tired - not sure why..... Getting old probably! Had a good day with the horses and then watched the National with half closed eyes as I can't bear it when the horses fall. Sad that two horses died - not sure if they shouldn't limit the number of horses in the race to 20 rather than 40 as it does seem to be sheer numbers that cause the pile ups....
The photos are out from the show last week and for the first time ever I realise I don't look huge any more - Normally I am cringing at how I look (never mind the horse!) but this time I didn't mind - as I have said before - a bit of a way to go still but I am getting there. Wore an outfit to the theatre tonight that I bought 6 years ago from Next - tonight was the first time I have worn it!!!! I outgrew it almost immediately when I bought it and it is one of those outfits you just keep in the wardrobe cos you like it soooo much and can't bear to get rid off - felt really nice and even my boss (the male one!!) said I looked fancy!! LOL!
So PP day today and not been too bad!!!

B - 2 muffins
L - mince flan
D - chicken/ 2 muffins

Another PP tomorrow - not got that much meat in - might need to go shopping again!!! LOL!
Trudy what a nice thank you off your boss, I've been to a day spa and loved it so a weekend one sounds like heaven x
So lucky Siddid - they are great bosses - I think we drive each other nuts some times but after 25 years on and off I think that could be considered normal!!! LOL
Yes I been with the same firm for 25 years they're good and bad sides have been seen in that time...the same for them with me, which makes for good working teamship...think I've just made that word up? Great to hear you didn't cringe when your saw them photos xxx you are now seeing yourself as others do and you looked fabulous on the phots you posted. I thought I would post mine but I only had upper body ones. Its a shame.
Siddid you could always dress up again in said dress and take a few snaps!!! I know - too much effort but remember the feeling you had in your dress for tough times siddid - nothing like it for sure!!!
WI for me tomorrow and really not sure what it will say - TBH although I have not 'cheated' I think I have been a little lax!!! Oh well hope I haven't gained - would not be up for that!!!! Mind you gotta learn to take it on the chin!!! LOL!
Last day of the week for me at work - off tomorrow but got lots of boring chores to do!!! Also have rehearsal Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs this week so that will wear me out!!! Pick up costumes on Thursday but no worries about these ones not fitting - nuns are not known for their flattering outfits - LOL Off to Thomas Land on Thursday as it is Ben's 4th Birthday - he is well excited and can't wait to be a 'different number'!!!! Think I am getting a cold as glands all swollen up and got a sore throat - not what I need for singing in a musical next week!!! Also have an audition on Tuesday for a singing gig - need to look up the songs on youtube to get an idea of what I would be singing - guy sounds a bit wacky but nothing ventured nothing gained!!!
Anyway second PP day and not been at all adventurous!!!
B - 2 muffins
L - chicken with Dukan BBQ Sauce
D - chicken with Dukan BBQ Sauce/ 2 muffins with caramel sauce

Smuckers getting as addictive as the syrup - oh dear - no hope for me!!! See what I mean about no inspiring menus!!!
Thomas land sounds fun for a 4 year old, my sons loved Thomas when they were young. Trudy shame about your sore throat, you'll have to get some antibiotics and quick to be ready....sounds very exciting, and if you have no gain I'm havin myself some of that smuckers. Yummy, yummy x
Well a pound down but this girl really needs to get her act together - been having too many tolerated items and not enough lean protein - will have a nice PV day today as usual but then back to the grindstone - may do a few more PP days just to consolidate the diet in my head again and defo give the Smuckers miss for a while - stick to tofu creme I think!!! Also need to up the exercise but I am out rehearsing 4 nights this week which will keep me on the go...... Not looking forward to show week when there will be tons and tons of choccy and cake in the dressing rooms - not good for the singing voice either!!! Just found 4 easter eggs in my bedroom and for the first time I am tempted - better get them out the house too!!!!
hey a 1lb lost is better than a 1lb gained as you said you havent been eating that well this week but look at your stats.... your BMI is under 30 now :D
Exactly Ellie, Trudy that is a pound off, you'll be back 100% in the zone again. And bin the choccy eggs x
Yeah to all loss - 1lb down is still going in the right direction! Get rid of all easter eggs in the house now though! A bmi of less than 30 is fantastic, well done Trudy! Argh, can't stop using my exclamation mark! See!:D
!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lol x
So today was a bit of a shaky one - after WI - although I take full responsibility for the low loss, I was v v down and just wanted to eat toast and chocolate both of which were in copious supply in the house - the toast for Ben and the Easter eggs mostly Ben's too!!! So before I did something I would really really regret I ate some tofu creme with a spoon of Smuckers mixed in - that took the edge off thank goodness...... Then headed off to town and bought some nice 'things' to treat myself - a lovely brown leather purse which was in a shop I had a credit note for so really only cost me £7.50!!!! Then a pair of silver earrings to wear day to day - my other ones broke on Saturday but they had lasted well - nearly two years of daily wearing!!! Always wear cheap costume ones for a bit of bling for a night out but they make your ears green if you keep them in for more than a couple of days - green ears not a good look!!! Then bought Ben an outfit for his birthday and a pair of cool Nike trainers!!!! And a massive calculator that cost £3.99 to add to his birthday stash!!! Then went to Play Planet for the afternoon which he loved but ended up staying later than we intended so had to rush home to get him fed and ready for bed before rehearsal........ Lunch in town was chicken with pepper and onion and salad so fairly good but I was starving when I got home so had a four course meal, BNS Soup, Prawns in paprika, Chicken and salad and two muffins - I was definitely full after that lot!!!! Could feel myself blowing up like a ballon in rehearsal - went in a size 14/16 - came out about a size 22!!!!
Today made me realise the line is fine between okay and really not!!!! I need to be a bit more careful - once I had had the tofu I did feel better and was able to be rational about my choices but it was a close one. Gonna do three PP days now and have next PV on Friday - really feel I need to get back to basics a bit...... Didn't go shopping today so need to try and squeeze it in tomorrow if I can - need lots of meat!!!

So todays menu

B - tofu creme with Smuckers Sauce/ 1 muffin
L - chicken with pepper and onion and salad/ 1 muffin
D - BNS soup/Prawns with Paprika/ chicken and salad/2 muffins

Thank goodness for tofu creme - my absolute saviour today! No exaggeration x
Well done for resisting Trudy :) if you look at my sig you'll see I've had very low losses last few weeks, it is hard not to get disuaded....but then today I've lost 1.5lbs since yesterday... :) no accounting for it...I think you just have to persevere :) it is not easy, but eventually it pays off...

My body is (nearly) as stubborn as I am :) it sees that the blubber is disappearing and has a few weeks of "oh my god she's starving!" hangs onto the flab for dear life before realising food is in supply, just not carb-horrific food :D

Glad the tofu creme saved the day :) onwards and downwards missus! xxx
well done for staying on the wagon hun xx there is a very fine line which i have crossed a few times and instantly regretted it.... just not worth the pain lol then you find it hard to get back on the wagon. im in this till the bitter end now and keep saying to myself I WILL BE HEALTHY & SLIM !! not long to go till the hard part starts and i need you there with me asap
Believe me Ellie I want to be there too!!! Just gotta keep going and get more consistent!!!Had a good start to the day with no urges to eat rubbish but I did find my mouth watering as I picked up Ben's birthday cake for Thursday - as requested a football cake in the green packet from Sainsbury's - he was very precise..... Decided that there is a load of people to give cake to so also bought some cake mix to make some fairy cakes to stretch the actual cake out a bit!!!! Maybe I can get imaginative with the four easter eggs - actually may pick up some cornflakes or rice crispies and melt down said eggs and make rice crispie cakes - now that is a plan......
Gotta fly now, off to pick up Ben, get back and leave again to go to singing audition then on to rehearsal - oh my life forgot when I am having dinner in all of that!!!
hope you managed to get time for dinner you busy busy bee :D
Well I feel like a right wally!! Got lost finding the place for audition eventually found it only to have turned up a day early!!!! So another rush tomorrow!!! Lol! Went to sainsbury's and had a ham omelette for tea which was okay!!! Then off to rehearsal.....
At rehearsal now and just started second half so will only get home about 10.30. Sleeping so deeply at the mo that when the alarm goes it's like waking the dead!!!
So PP day today
B - 2 muffins
L- half a chicken with dukan BBQ sauce
D - ham omelette/2 muffins/ tofu creme
Defo gonna get rid of Easter eggs by making rice krispie cakes!!!! Not that keen on them so shouldn't be tempted, oh but might be tempted to lick the bowl! Lol!
No licking that bowl......*hands slapped* hahaha