So today was a bit of a shaky one - after WI - although I take full responsibility for the low loss, I was v v down and just wanted to eat toast and chocolate both of which were in copious supply in the house - the toast for Ben and the Easter eggs mostly Ben's too!!! So before I did something I would really really regret I ate some tofu creme with a spoon of Smuckers mixed in - that took the edge off thank goodness...... Then headed off to town and bought some nice 'things' to treat myself - a lovely brown leather purse which was in a shop I had a credit note for so really only cost me £7.50!!!! Then a pair of silver earrings to wear day to day - my other ones broke on Saturday but they had lasted well - nearly two years of daily wearing!!! Always wear cheap costume ones for a bit of bling for a night out but they make your ears green if you keep them in for more than a couple of days - green ears not a good look!!! Then bought Ben an outfit for his birthday and a pair of cool Nike trainers!!!! And a massive calculator that cost £3.99 to add to his birthday stash!!! Then went to Play Planet for the afternoon which he loved but ended up staying later than we intended so had to rush home to get him fed and ready for bed before rehearsal........ Lunch in town was chicken with pepper and onion and salad so fairly good but I was starving when I got home so had a four course meal, BNS Soup, Prawns in paprika, Chicken and salad and two muffins - I was definitely full after that lot!!!! Could feel myself blowing up like a ballon in rehearsal - went in a size 14/16 - came out about a size 22!!!!
Today made me realise the line is fine between okay and really not!!!! I need to be a bit more careful - once I had had the tofu I did feel better and was able to be rational about my choices but it was a close one. Gonna do three PP days now and have next PV on Friday - really feel I need to get back to basics a bit...... Didn't go shopping today so need to try and squeeze it in tomorrow if I can - need lots of meat!!!
So todays menu
B - tofu creme with Smuckers Sauce/ 1 muffin
L - chicken with pepper and onion and salad/ 1 muffin
D - BNS soup/Prawns with Paprika/ chicken and salad/2 muffins
Thank goodness for tofu creme - my absolute saviour today! No exaggeration x