So no posts yesterday, had a lovely day off.... Ben and Mummy day ended up being a run for me and Ben driving his newly fixed hummer with me.... Meant alot of stopping and starting which is hard when your trying to run but did go 2 miles and it was good fun! Then went out to dinner with some friends and overate which annoyed me - took it as my weeks gala meal but honestly was disgusted with myself for over eating... Ended up in Sainsburys after feeling thoroughly ill, tummy cramps and feeling sick - that should teach me!!! LOL! Anyway not dwelling on it just trying to learn.....
B - nothing
Brunch - scrambled egg, lean bacon, mushroom, 2 slices toast
D - gala meal!
Today, back at work, feeling a bit bloated and sluggish - whoosh fairy thankfully came this morning which has helped!!! All indoor horses are done so now to face the bull pen and the pouring rain - oh what fun.....
Just booked a hotel and parking for USA trip - was gonna be £63 to park off site or £79 for a room and parking at hotel!!! Gone with that one!
Off to Horse Of The Year Show on Thursday which should be fun! Looking forward to it....
WI yesterday was a STS which is okay but ideally I would like to get back to TW which is only 1lb so not stressing and going onto conso was defo the right move for me..... Don't know why it is hard to see the scales sts instead of going down????? Best get used to it!!! Did have a couple of hours yesterday where I really wanted to just eat stupidly and I suppose I did a little at my gala meal but definately wasn't a binge like I would have done before so patting myself on the back for that one!