The First Diary of Trudy C age 40 something!

I did think of both of those but needs something I dunno - oil like?? I wondered about reducing some sweetner/vanilla in a small amount of water to see if it made a 'syrup' and then binding it with that??? Tough one!
a bit lemonade or something reduced would maybe make a syrup ...hmmm tough one
So another PP day today as going to have a PV day tomorrow as friends down for a visit and we are going out to dinner! Was actually an easy day today but I did find myself gazing longingly at some shortbread biccys in our local farm shop - had to give myself a mental slap to stay on track!!!
Horses have a weird habit of taking you to amazing highs and then dumping you down. Two of our lovely horses are poorly again - Best Boy was recovering perfectly from his leg op but yesterday the leg swelled up again and is hot, hot, hot. Just started an intense course of antibiotics so fingers crossed and our lovely World Champion mare from America is ill again after being so so so well for ages!!! GRRRR ............ hope they both turn a corner in the next couple of days! Onwards and upwards!
PP day
B - 2 muffins
L - turkey/ham/small portion of tofu vanilla creme
D - chicken wrapped in extra lean bacon/ dukan BBQ sauce/ 2 muffins/ dukan custard

Full to the gunnels again today - was a lovely dinner. Still looking forward to PV day tomorrow and sorry everyone but a cheeky vodka!!! LOL !
hope they both are better soon :(
Thanks Ellie, Best Boys leg still has swelling on it but is much cooler so fingers crossed and he is still not particularly lame!!! Been sooooo good about the injections though so big gold star to him!
Versace the other horse is still not drinking - we are giving her sloppy feeds about six times a day to keep the fluid up and electrolytes but something not right but nothing showing on the blood we took - it's a mystery but really hope she feels better soon. Also needs to drink since this weather has really warmed up????HMMMMMMMMM:sigh:
oh no poor girl :( at least shes eating sloppy feeds and getting some fluid
PV day yesterday!
B - 2 muffins
L - cottage pie with BNS/celeriac/ small amount tofu creme
D - Ham/chicken/ dukan bbq sauce/steak/carrot/broccoli/cauliflower/mushroom and onion sauce/ 1 muffin
Feeling really tired today but suppose it is the end of the working week for me. Also enjoyed a few vodkas last night which was a bit naughty but I stuck to Dukan friendly food when everyone else tucked into sticky toffee pudding/fudgecake etc etc!!! Treated Ben to sausage and chips from the chip shop as we were out to dinner and he wasn't invited and boy he was lucky to get to eat them - they smelled soooooo good!!! ARGH!!!! Annoying that I still want rubbish like that!!!
Busy day at work with lots of guests but nice to have them around. Taking Ben on a double decker bus tomorrow - he loves buses but we never go on them so I promised him a trip tomorrow - what fun!!! Will take us an hour to get to a place that takes 20 mins in the car but I guess that isn't the point! LOL. Also gotta catch up with a bit of banking/paperwork which has been ignored for a week or so!!!! BORING!
Horses still not 100% - wish I had a crystal ball or they could talk - so frustrating not knowing what is wrong!!!! We will see.
Anyway PP day today and struggled a little bit with finding stuff I wanted to eat!!
B - 2 muffins
L - salmon/small amount tofu creme
D - ham/ chicken with smoked paprika and dukan bbq sauce/ 2 muffins/ small amount tofu creme

PV day tomorrow and WI - not sure what the scales will say - somehow feel heavier this week after my spa week and only 6 days since last WI - We will see!!!!
Well sts this week - actually showed a .3kg loss but not enough to drop to the next pound!!!! A little bit sad but kind of expected it and I did have a few cheeky vodkas on Sat night and a PV day when normally I have two PP's so that may have contributed. PV day today so gonna enjoy that and not worry about it! Thank goodness for muffins as I did have a brief thought of chocolate!!!! LOL
Definitely eat muffins, not chocolate!! Bet you have a nice loss next weigh-in so keep positive. If you think about it, losing weight slower is a sign that you have shrunk and have less to lose (if that makes sense?). I'm losing VERY slowly now but aren't actually overweight any more so I shouldn't expect 6lb off in a week (would be good though ;)) Have a good week Trudy :)
Thanks CD, it makes sense to me so defo not gutted and happy to plough on!! Have eaten A LOT of food today though but all Dukan friendly so again not worried and back to work tomorrow!
B - Cottage Pie with BNS (I know how odd but just wanted it)/1 muffin
L - omelette with ham and mushroom/salad
D - chicken/ fish pie with BNS/swede/carrot/2 muffins/tofu creme
LOVED it when I bought Ben a hot chocolate and some sweets today and didn't even have a moments thought to want any for myself. I just very much enjoyed a skinny latte!!!!
Scoured the charity shops today and bought a pair of size 16 jeans and they fit soooo well - soooo happy - won't be long before they are 14's cos almost need a belt for them!!!! Nothing compares to the feeling of being able to go into a shop and buy a relatively normal size and it fits!!! Looked in charity shops for jeans as they seem to have some nice regular rise bootcut jeans where as all the shops are selling low rise - when will they understand that not all people who want on trend jeans can wear low rise?????? Makes me sooo mad - I want a nice cut of jeans that sits at my waist???? GRRRRRR! LOL!
charity shops are great for picking up clothes while dieting as your not spending a fortune on clothes that may not fit again in a few weeks :D

did ben enjoy his bus ride ??
Here is us on the said bus - he loved it - I was cold and scared of flying through the window as the driver was pretty heavy on the old brakes!!!!LOL!


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hehe bless
Dear Trudy,
Thank you massively for your generosity in sending me 2 packets of "noodles". i don't know how much the noodles cost in the first place but I saw that the postage alone was £4.41 so, if you sent similar packages to other minimin members, it cost you a lot of money - throwing them in the bin would have been much cheaper. You are a wonderful, generous person and I wholeheartedly wish you luck with the completion of your weight-loss journey. Haven't tried the noodles yet, mind you...! Sara x
Well it will be well worth it if you like them!!! Couldn't bear to throw them away so glad they have gone to good homes!LOL! Got a bit more room in the fridge to put my tofu now - my new favourite ingredient!!! LOL
Well this week was supposed to be a good Dukan week with no little cheeky vodkas but sadly I didn't figure for my bosses birthday. Ironically they were the ones going on and on and on and on that I should lose weight but today when I tried to say that I didn't want a drink (they insisted on one of them driving) they were gutted and kept on till I caved - I REALLY wish I had stuck to my guns but hey ho - tis done now but if I want to succeed on Dukan I need to buck up and be stronger! Only had a glass of champers so not a disaster but still - annoyed at myself. However that did not stop me making the very most of an unexpected PV day!!!
B - 2 muffins
L - steak/cauliflower/carrot/green beans
D - steak/ carrot/swede/BNS/celeriac (all mashed)/ mushroom and onion sauce/ 2 muffins
On the plus side I didn't eat the lovely warm bread and butter that preceded the lunch, nor did I have a spoonful of dessert when offered and when I won the raffle at rehearsal tonight and had won a box of chocs I opened them right up and shared them around and bought the rest home to the girls!!! So all in all I did good but the report for today would say 'could do better'!!!!
PS - did wear a size 14 skirt to rehearsal tonight!!!! YAHOOOOO! x
tut tut miss trudy :p ... well done on resisting the bread etc... that would have done more damage anyway lol

right tofu .... is it in the fridges in supermarkets or shelf ?
On the shelfs Ellie - sainsburys store it in the same aisle as the chinese/asian stuff, ironically not by it but in the same vicinity!!! I always end up searching - can't remember what it was next to but it was totally unrelated!!!