The First Diary of Trudy C age 40 something!

My Sainsbury has it in the aisle by the pulses and beans, possibly where there might be dried vegetarian options like burger mix. Top shelf ;-)
you can also get another variety from the chiller cabinet, probably near the 'quorn' stuff. But I found that variety of tofu (apart from costing more) is firmer (not 'silken') and does not blend down so well and stays a bit more grainy, no so suitable for the tofu creme recipe.
thanks... i will try those areas and see if i can find it lol
Had a good PP day today after a run of nearly three PV days I thought it would be pretty tough but it was actually okay!!!
Have a dilemma, a friend has asked me out to dinner on Sat night, a chance to wear my lovely new dress and I really want to go but I know that although I will defo stick to the plan food wise I do want to have a few drinks ( and I mean a few, not Ellies Epic as I call it!). Therein lies the problem. I had a couple of cheeky vodkas last Saturday with an extra PV day and stayed the same on this weeks weigh in which wasn't a surprise so I wasn't disappointed. However, on Tues, as I wrote in my diary,I did have a glass of champagne to celebrate my bosses birthday. I just can't decide whether to live a little and have a few drinks on Sat or not go out at all and leave it for another time when I feel i 'deserve' the little break from Dukan!!! Just won't enjoy it the same without a drink (I hope I don't sound like a desperate soak!!)
Overall I am very happy on Dukan, it is a way of life now and I love the routine of it. However I am aware that I do sometimes feel as if I want a bit of normality which is why I have always allowed myself the odd drink on special occasions!! Usually however this is once a month at the most, not every week and in this case would be twice in one week!!! I just don't know!!!!! What to do, what to do!
Anyway doing a run of three PP days to make up for the extra PV!
B - 2 muffins
L - chicken with red thai curry and quark/strawberry mousse
D - turkey/chicken with garlic/chilli/dukan BBQ Sauce/ 2 muffins/tofu creme/
id have the drink :p and its exactly what im doing this weekend LOL .... its a few friends 40ths this month so we are having a night out in edinburgh... chance to wear my new frock and get glammed up
Lay in bed watching One Born Every Minute with a glass of .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. Diet Irn Brew!!! Bliss!!!! Who needs wine!!! x
my fav lol
whatever you decide 'ENJOY' - I cannot refuse champagne :) anything else No especially vodka if Im pushed then G & T but not that bothered. I love to be sober and drunken ppl watch ;)
Your right Chris but still can't decide!!! ARGH! Also annoyed that carpal tunnel syndrome back with a vengence today - started to feel it a bit a couple of days ago but now getting bad again. Had a steroid shot in August which really helped but not great that it only lasted six months. Booked in for another in two weeks but is a side effect of my underactive thyroid so not likely to get better - surgery another option but heard lots about it that wasn't that positive! HMMMM we will see.
The sun is shining here which is lovely so making the most of it by working all the horses indoors!!! LOL - just pans out that way. Our baby foal is getting very spoiled by too much attention from all our visitors - being the only child is a curse - when we have lots of foals they tend to be better behaved cos they all get attention and not too much of it!!! LOL
Another PP day today - not sure what the menu will be but probably some chicken in there somewhere as have loads of it and not alot else!!!! I love salmon but really miss the veg if I don't have it with it so will save till Friday - hmmm - might just go and marinade a steak in some soy!!! Good plan!
So decided not to go out on Sat, we have a clinic coming up at the farm on Easter weekend so can wear my dress then!!! So no guilt which makes me feel better!!!
Another PP day today and I am afraid I was totally unadventurous!LOL
B - 2 muffins
L - chicken with smoked paprika/quark
D - chicken with bbq sauce/ 2 muffins and custard/ small amount tofu creme

Didn't marinade a steak in the end - not sure if I will do another PP day tomorrow - think I will do PV and stick to a PP weekend! Looking forward to a bit of veg!!!
Yep its difficult when deciding not to go out - Ive been invited to a 40th birthday bash (work colleague) in Manchester to a Transvestite club .... I would be like a fish out of water big time I feel guilty for not wanting to go but its a stretch limo, meal, entrance fee, drinks, buying something to wear etc etc a lot of money and I dont want to be there! She knows im not too fussed so .......... no thats it im not going decision made.

hope you are ok with CTS painful so I believe a friend has it - I have painful problems with my shoulders as I have an extra pair of ribs behind the collar bones - regular physio or op to remove - decided no op can be dodgy messing with the spinal column :(
Off today awake early but thats fine more time to my day .............. have a good day T x
Oh Chris I couldn't not go to the tranvestite club - would be too curious, think it would be soooo fun- LOL!! Glad I have decided not to go out, usually when you can't make your mind up it's not meant to be!!!!

Nice day with the horses today, really loving this nice weather, poorly horses on the mend (fingers crossed) and although one gone poorly today we have someone coming to see her on Tuesday who may be able to help so will take it easy with her for the next couple of days!!!!

New dress arrived today which I bought off e-bay (size 16! - still gives me a buzz - quite a bit better than a size 28!!!!) for the singing thing I am doing on 17th March but not quite right will do if nothing better comes along- the theme is 1930's which is difficult, mind you found some 99p bargains to try out so one more in the mail today and still bidding on a couple - something will come up!!! LOL!

Had the yummiest Dukan day today and feel set up ready for a couple of PP days!!! Really love Dukan!!!

B - 2 muffins
L - cottage pie with BNS/ small amount tofu creme
D - the loveliest fillet steak ever!!!/swede and carrot/ onion and mushroom sauce/ 2 muffins/ pancake syrup/small amount tofu creme!!!!

Realised the binding ingredient for my 'tofu cheesecake' was right under my nose - well in the fridge anyway - the pancake syrup will be perfect!!! Won't need very much and is sugar and fat free!!! Soooooo excited to try it tomorrow which means I will be trying the biccys too!!!! Can't believe the syrup has sooo few calories but is lovely, lovely lovely!!!
FULL to the gunnels again!!! LOVELY!!!!
No Trudy not for me I dont think its for my friend who's bday it is either - everyone is gob smacked that she has chosen to go in the first place... she is far more a prude than I am. My daughter said she wouldnt go either! Ebay bargains sound good still not had the chance to look for tofu ive been too cream crackered to walk into town looking for the stuff. Its spicy meatballs for me tonight I think but Im not that hungry today for some reason. Have a good weekend x
So how's the tofu cheesecake? Hope you're having a good day. A friend of mine was playing at a 1930s evening and ended up with a dress with marabou feathers that she adored, bet you have a great time on the 17th and just think of the dress size - down to 16!! You'll look lovely, whatever dress you finally choose and I can't wait to read all about it.
You and Ellie really make me miss living in the countryside - Glasgow is right for us as a family as the kids relatives are all here and I want them to have good relationships with Grans etc, but at heart I'm a country girl (brought up in rural Lincolnshire). You must be so happy these days being able to ride. :)
Love it CD, ride at least two horses a day atm and it is wonderful to be back on them again. Having lots of fun, even more so now my muscles aren't killing me after each ride!!! Understand the city/countryside thing - I love where I live but occasionally I need a city fix so either go to London/Edinburgh etc for a couple of days - we often say we wish London was half an hour away and not a three hour drive but you can't have it all!!! Also it makes Dukan easier to stick to cos if I wanted to break it I have to drive for half an hour to get to a takeaway or food shop!!! LOL.....
Tofu cheesecake was 'okay'!!! Crushed the biscuits and then put a layer of syrup on top and then added the tofu - it looked amazing but the biscuit is really dry and crunchy so will try again, maybe soak the biscuit in a little milk to try and soften it and then add the syrup and mix it together and flatten it before topping with the tofu. Also might be better to be plain vanilla tofu instead of the lemon one!!!! So jury out for now but gonna make another batch of tofu tomorrow so will see!!! It's v pretty though!!!
Had a good Dukan day:-
B - 2 muffins
L - chicken with curry/plain yoghurt/ strawberry quark mousse
D - Mince flan thing (made with philly extra lite/eggs/yoghurt/mince/tomato puree and spices)/ tofu creme cheesecake

Mince flan thing was on the recipe section and was quite nice. Lots letf over for tomorrow too.
BTW has anyone else seen the philly lite with cadburys chocolate - I couldn't resist buying it for Ben and now it is taunting me in the fridge!!! GRRRR - why did I buy it - Ben would have been none the wiser!!!!
Ooh, that Philly sounds great for the kids, I'll keep an eye out for it! Bet you the milk/mixing with syrup will work well, tell us how it goes. Have a good Sunday.
That's what I thought CD a treat but with the goodness of some calcium etc!!! Well it smells divine and on a scotch pancake sandwich is almost irresistable - Ben loves it but can't quite manage the whole thing so I have to almost run to the bin so I don't gobble up the remains!!!
Feeling a bit up and down this morning - don't know why, hopefully once I start working the horses my mood will improve!!! LOL!
Made some tofu vanilla creme ready to try the dessert again tonight - think it will really work. LOVE the tofu dessert - wonder if a couple of packs a week is too much?????? Ah well the scales will tell tomorrow! Not feeling much thinner again this week but for some reason really not 'worried' if I sts again - mind you if I have a gain I think I would cry!! No reason to suspect a gain but we all know how it goes!!! We will see!. ........
Here is piccy of tofu cheesecake - yet to try this one but think I may have added a bit too much milk to make the base softer so will be lighter on the milk next time. Looks pretty though but will let you know the verdict later!!! :D


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pud looking yum going to try and find some this week in Holland & Barratt if not might go 8 miles out of my way to find it in Sainsburys probs not like it once I do find it x
Good plan Chris, don't think I saw any in Holland and Barrett - only smoked or braised which I don't think will work for dessert!!! LOLOLOLO!