You could have it every day if you wanted - tofu is on the allowed list!!!!!!! I've been having it every day and lost this last week . It's far better than too much dairy any how .
Well horses all good today and the end of a working week for me. Got a birthday lunch tomorrow but Ben with me so no chance of drinking which is grand. Not sure how he is going to fare at a grown up lunch in a nice restaurant with a 75 yr old and a 73 yr old- decided to pack his DS for dire emergency!!!! LOL - he won't believe his luck!!!
Had a good Dukan day I think, love how my tofu cheesecake has turned out - so much so that I am saving it for tomorrow after WI as it feels so wicked and if I STS or worse it will provide good consolation and if I have a good loss then a celebration, a win on all levels!!!!
PP day today
B - 2 muffins
L - mince flan/mackerel with maya dressing
D - slice of mince flan/ chicken with smoked paprika and dukan BBQ sauce/ 1 muffin and a taste of my cheesecake - don't worry this is the last time I will mention it!!!
And it's a PV day tomorrow - wooooohooo!!!!
Well I think I have eaten myself out of house and home today - really was hungry and still am - think it is just an emotional hunger as I can't possibly really be hungry - don't know if cyberspace has enough room for my daily menu today!LOL!
Had a good day went to Sainsburys to get cake and flowers for said Birthday lunch and Ben was driving me nuts - had a stern word in the car about the behaviour I expected at lunch and that we would then go to Play Planet fully expecting it to fall on deaf ears but miracles of miracles he was a sweetie throughout, sang Happy Birthday and nearly managed to eat politely the Smartie birthday cake that he had chosen for the 75 yr old birthday girl!!! Just the last mouthful was interesting!!! So after an hour and a half of lunch we departed for Play Planet and had a great time - Mummy went down the fast big slide for the first time with Ben - he loved it - my tummy did not!!! LOL, mind you after the sixth or seventh descent it was getting over it!!!! LOVED being able to play with him properly and he did too!!
Home now and he is having a quiet moment watching a DVD, all ready for bed and wiped out!!! Good times!
Anyway PV day and really did have an unusual eating day!!!!LOL
B - turkey/swede/carrot/mushroom and onion sauce/ tofu cheesecake (yes really, for breakfast!!!)
L - salmon and salad with green beans
D - BNS and Celeriac cottage pie/ 2 muffins
Was v v tempted to make up another tofu cheesecake for tonight but decided not to.- felt too naughty but really not a lot in it and only the pancake syrup is something to watch?? Still have my 2 muffins to have tonight which I will save for rehearsal as there is gonna be lots of sitting around tonight!!!
New dress arrived to try for murder mystery but no good - wish my tummy would disappear - without it I would be laughing!!!! GRRRRR!
Busy day today but didn't have the raging appetite that I had yesterday thank goodness. Been teaching all day too so feel like I have been talking all day long!!! Think the salmon I had yesterday had some sugar in the marinade as my mood was blacker than black by tea time yesterday and I was craving all kind of food!!! Thank goodness I didn't break it - need to be more careful next time!!!!
PP day
So a good food day today:-
B - mince flan/1 muffin
L - steak/ 1 muffin
D - chicken/ tofu cheescake
On the plus side people commenting loads on how much weight I have lost which is nice - some people not even recognising me! LOVE it!!! LOL xx
Isn't that a wonderful feeling! You're doing brilliantly! I'm going to have a go at your tofu thingy (as a treat during my end of month week off). No Dukan biscuits or syrups though... just plain. Any advice? You all get your liquidisers out to whizz it up (groan) or will an electric hand mixer do?
Well I use a a blender cos it needs it to be really smooth - tofu lumps are yuck in this!! Made it at my Mum's with a hand held blender thing and it worked really well. Finished it off with a hand whisk! Hope that helps.
Had another good day at work - lots of teaching again but all good fun. Horses were soooo good - love it when it is like that!!!! As usual with a high day tomorrow will catch you!!!! LOL!
A lovely PV day today but surprisingly I didn't have veg at every meal!!!
B - 2 muffins
L - mince flan and Dukan BBQ sauce
D - venison hotpot with swede/carrot/onion/mushroom with BNS and celeriac mash/ tofu cheesecake!
It is the very first time I have eaten venison and certainly the first time I have cooked with it. It was lovely and tender after all day in the slow cooker! Really enjoyed it....... Sent the leftovers home with a friend who loved it too. Made potato mash for everyone else and for once I would have preferred that to the BNS which made the whole dish seem sweet!!! Will buy some more meat at the weekend and try again!!!
Depressed today about blimmin dresses as yet another one didn't work out from ebay - again my stupid tummy is the problem - making me feel like I am huge again and I know I am not - just need to get the right style!!!! GRRRR - everyone saying don't stress and wear whatever but now I am not huge I want to look nice not just okay!!!!! Tummy needs to take a hike!!! LOL!
Thanks Trudy - I'll try with the hand mixer. I've just posted a dessert tester recipe in the recipe section which you might feel like having a go at. While I'm not a fan of desserts (ahem!), well not in my Dukan life at least, when "on holiday" these sort of confections might well help me!
Daft underwear question here Trudy - have you got some good reinforced unsexy "Bridget Jones" type undies? I find they work miracles on my tum! Just a thought!
yup get yourself to matalan or primark and get an all in one bodsuit.... they are great for sucking you in i need a new one as mines is getting baggy lol
infact lidl had them in the other day when i was in for £6.99 not sure how good they are though
Trudy the problem is not you it is the dresses - do you have to have a dress? I dont possess one, might just buy a linen one if I can find the right one problem again will be finding a good length
Believe me even with the hold everything in thing it doesn't help!!! Always been my problem area..... Will try matalan and primark and local charity shops.
Been teaching again all day and horses were stunning again which was lovely.
Went out to dinner with everyone which wasn't as fun as it could have been as pp day!!!
B - 2 muffins
L - mince flan
D - steak and chicken/ 2 muffins
The muffins for dinner are at home and I am desperate for them but will have to wait till later!!!!! Looking like a late one!!!! Singing was okay tonight!!!! Yay!!!!
i could hear the cheesecake screaming at you from here LOL i didnt get anything ridden as felt too crud... but also kept making the mistake of pulling clumps of weeds/grass up from the driveway everytime i went out to check hay and water... ended up doing over 4 hours of weeding and felt really bad last night as did too much... even hubby said id done too much and should have been resting. looks like it may pour down today so may just have a wee rest lol
Awww Ellie hope you are feeling better. God I am glad I don't have a garden - 4 hrs of weeding is enough to drive a person insane!!! LOL! Glad you have a passion for it!!.
Been teaching all day today and honestly thank goodness today was the last day - I feel like I haven't shut up for the last four days - I am tired and now want to take a vow of silence for the next couple of days. Horses have surpassed all expectations so I was very proud of them. Mares still not coming into season so spring may not have sprung - they always know if it has!!!!
PV day today and out for lunch again - got dinner planned but still to go shopping as haven't been all week and the cupboards are looking bare - more importantly I don't have all the ingredients to make my next batch of muffins!!!! LOL!
B - 2 muffins
L - steak with cabbage and carrots
D - steak with BNS and celeriac/ onion and mushroom sauce/ tofu cheesecake or 2 muffins!!!
Not decided yet.
Over the last couple of days I have had a few slip ups with a very minor amount of forbidden food - such as a scraping of peppercorn sauce on a steak etc and boy my tummy has created. Really feel like it is gonna explode and very churny and uncomfortable - kinda puts me right of cheating cos I don't fancy feeling like that!!!! Another plus point for Dukan!!!
Night in tonight - we after fighting through Friday traffic to do the grocery shopping - usually avoid the Friday night crush but can't be avoided if I want muffins and I do!!!!
Trydyc I've seen BNS metioned a few time and can't fugure what in means please enlighten a new Dunken Dieter or has you long awaited silence already begun x
LOL! Means Butternut Squash Sididd!!!! Getting sad as I think it might be going out of season!!! A real staple mixed with celeriac - sure you probably have had it before but I was a newbie to it and love it - annoyed I couldn't find celeriac tonight in the supermarket and also took me nearly 15 mins to find the tofu!!! LOL! Decided on the muffins for my after dinner snack but with a bit of tofu too!!YUMMY
Oh no wonder I couldn't guess lol, and I would never have put those two veg together but I'll give it ago every Dunkener seems to be a lover of it thanks, probably keep jumping into conversation like an inquisitive child with a thousand questions ;-)))
No wonder I couldn't guess lol. I would never have thought of putting them two veg together, but seems all Dukeners love it, will give it a try, I'll probably keep popping in with questions like an inquisitive child ;-)))