Well done Emily! How naughty was a bit naughty?
Do you want to lose 8lbs on top of the 2.5lbs that you've already lost, or do you have 5.5lbs left from 8lbs to lose? If you get what I mean...Just want to get an idea of how much people feel comfortable committing themselves to losing in a month. If you'd asked me after my first few weeks how much I wanted to lose in a month, I'd have said I'd be happy with 4lbs, but now I know I CAN do it (after 2.5lbs in 2 consecutive weeks) and therefore feel comfortable challenging myself to a bigger loss
Well I had a kebab on friday night, which was very naughty.
8lbs total for the month for me. So, yea, 5.5lbs to go, yipee