Now time to do Beck day 8

woohoo, officially into week 2 of this, and I've stuck with it every day.
This one is a relatively easy one for me at the moment, it's about making time and energy in my day for dieting & exercise. I guess having now started cycling to work, I went through this process a few weeks ago to work out how I'd get the time to do it - so hubby has agreed to take our little one to nursery on a Wednesday, as I'm not fast enough on the bike yet to take her on my way - that would make me late. Mum's also agreed to pick her up a little earlier on the day that she looks after our little one, so that I can cycle that day too.
I've also started making decisions each day to prioritise what I really want to do, rather than just collapsing in front of the telly and telling myself I'm too tired. I've found it really energising, I've been weeding the garden after little one's in bed, sorting things out, and planning on doing some sewing this weekend.
I'm particularly looking forward to the sewing, as I've been saving some of my big clothes as I go along, that I think could be easily made into smaller clothes. This weekend is D-day, and I'm going to start making some smaller clothes out of them. There is no going back! (I've already got rid of most of my larger clothes to friends / charity shop). I think some of the things I'll turn into smaller stuff for me, and there's a few of my large tops that I think will make into pretty dresses for my little girl. I can't wait to have a go
I think I must be in ketosis, all this energy, I'm buzzing!
Anyway, need to go and try and get some sleep, and crossing my fingers that little one let's me sleep through the night tonight!
Night night everyone, sweet dreams