Oooh, now getting 2 of them this week would be brilliant
We went round to Mum's today, and she really likes to feed us / me in particular. I was really pleased with myself, as I managed to stay TS all day

Previously I've given in to things she's said / her need to cook for me, and my wish not to upset her. Today I decided that my need to get to the weight I want to be was more important - so I didn't eat any of the chocolate tiffin that she'd made for me. (Mum does know I'm on this diet, she does know that I'm not eating any sweet things, even fruit; she just repeatedly chooses to ignore this information.) Anyway, I'm really proud of myself for explaining clearly what I was going to do and sticking to it. We're round there tomorrow too, for lunch and the afternoon. As she's doing roast turkey tomorrow (it's meet the whole family tomorrow, she's getting married later this year) I've agreed to eat a little meat and broccoli, but nothing else. And also, nothing for tea later (apart from my pack). It's the first time I've stayed that strong at Mum's before, and I'm really proud of myself