The journey continues!

Hey hope you have a good 100% day, itll be good to have a rest as it's tougher to stick to this diet when you're tired and sick.
Hugs xxx
hope you feel better soon - I'm finding some parts of Beck really really helpful in changing my 'wrong' thinking about food so would recommend the book - whats the CD like?
I'm so lucky that Mum's been able to have DD today. I've had a really good sleep which hopefully has helped. Still feeling pretty lousy, but hopefully some more paracetamol and a chilled evening and hopefully I'll be feeling brighter tomorrow.

Just had one of the Asda meal replacement bars, which made a refreshing change for me :) Still managing 100% today, although struggling to drink the water, where my throat's sore. Think I'll wait till the paracetamol's kicked in a bit more and then have a big glass, don't really want to add dehydration into the mix!

thanks for your lovely messages :)
Hope you are now feeling a bit better Rachel. I can't believe the guy who did your medical was so negative. He should have been encouraging and full of praise for your achievements so far. Please don't pay him too much attention. Everyone seems to have their opinions on VLCD's and often these are formed without any real knowledge or experience of them. As for friends telling you to stop where you are now- this is so tricky! I experienced this so much last time I did a VLCD and lost 8 stone. I think a lot of it was to do with their opinion on how I looked as so many people just said it didn't suit me being a size 12/14. This makes for such a huge head mess up as the scales say one thing, your BMI another and your friends another and that's without factoring in your original goal! YOU and YOU only know where you want to be honey and as long as you are happy to keep going to reach your personal goals then you keep striving for them. You have done so well so far and are an inspiration to us all xx
Thanks ladyg, it's hard trying to block out what others are saying, but you're right. I know I'm not finished with this yet. I still want to stick to my goal of a healthy bmi, although I think I may get some of those scales that measure body fat percentage too. I had a bone scan just after my daughter and it turns out I have really dense bones, about 150% of expected, so I think I probably do have a heavy frame. It's Interesting at the moment, on my legs I'm starting to be able to see what shape they might become, as depending how I stand / sit I can see the muscle shape underneath, it's rather exciting. I stepped on the scales this morning and was really pleased to see a 4lb loss since Saturday; determined that this will help keep me motivated and back on track - I think this means I'm back in ketosis again at last, hurrah :)

I've already had a shake, soup and a bar today :s hmmm, need to come up with a plan for this evening. Think I may have an extra soup, gotta be better than jumping off plan. Really hoping this cold goes away soon.

I think the friends / family that are commenting at the moment are those that probably fall into an overweight bmi themselves. I think they don't necessarily want me to get thinner than them, as it potentially makes them question their own decisions. I guess it may also change some of the dynamics in those groups, as I'll no longer be the biggest one / fat friend. You're right though, I just need to keep focused on what is right for me, and trust that everything else will work out ok.
Hope you're feeling better today. What a git your medical bloke was. I think you did really well to stand your ground. I just don't understand people like that - it's almost as if they want you to fail so they can say "I told you so"! I think it's absolutely amazing how much weight you've lost. You are one determined lady.
You and only you know what's right Rachel. I often find the same with friends adjusting to the new you- but it's about how we feel and achieving our personal goals. They need to learn to be happy for you and not to hinder your amazing progress. Keep strong chick- you truly are an inspiration xx
Oh Cybill you are sensational and you can get to the goals that you want then stick a finger up at those that try to deter you from achieving that healthy bmi because it's what is best for you x

Love reading your diary :)
I think people are quick to try to tell you what weight THEY think you should be. I just think that you should stick with it as it's what YOU feel like in your own skin that counts.

First time I did a VLCD I stopped when others said I should and not where I was happy - please don't make the same mistake I did!! I genuinely believe that if I had managed to get to goal I would have maintained!
I think people are quick to try to tell you what weight THEY think you should be. I just think that you should stick with it as it's what YOU feel like in your own skin that counts.

First time I did a VLCD I stopped when others said I should and not where I was happy - please don't make the same mistake I did!! I genuinely believe that if I had managed to get to goal I would have maintained!

Thank you Toots, I think you're right, I need to get to this goal of a healthy bmi, to know what that looks / feels like for me and to decide if that's a good weight for me or not. As I've never been anywhere near that as an adult, I haven't got a clue whether it's where I want to be or not, but I think the only way for me to know for sure is to get there and then make my decision. I think you're right, if I stop before then, it gives me too much room to just put on a bit, and a bit more.... and..... before I know it I could regain.

I'm feeling so much better (despite the horrible cold) getting back onto the packs properly, and so determined to follow it through. I really hope I get a good weigh-in this week, it would be nice to get half way through the 15's!
Hey cybill..
Doctor sounds way off I mean there's better ways of saying stuff like that it can be. Sensitive subject... You do what is best for you Hun don't let anyone get u down chick.. Have a lovely day hugs x
I'm so excited, I hopped on the scales this morning and they showed 15st8! (I'm no good at this hooting malarkey, decided to just go with my serial weigher habits at the moment, and battle the food thing first) Anyway, really excited as that means a 7lb loss since Saturday! It's like week one again after all my faffing! I've stuck to plan all day today so far too, and am really hopeful that I will have made serious progress by the time of my weigh-in on Saturday :)
Wow - that is fabulous - are you jumping up and down, I certainly would be! At this rate you will be onto balloon no 7 in no time!
As always, you are truely inspirational!! Well done you! :happy096:
Wow, wow, wow.... I'm soooooooooo excited. Given my cold etc, I'm not feeling great. Went to Asda to get some more paracetamol etc, and while there I thought I'd have a look for a new set of PJs (all the talk on other diaries, I thought, yeah, that's a great idea, as mine are all my old ones at the moment in size 26ish, so they just fall off.) Anyway, decided I'd get a pair in size 12-14, thinking they'll fit in a bit.

Well, when I went to get DD into her pj's for bed, I decided I'd try the new ones on, just to see how much further before they start to fit, and I'm wearing them now (OK, so they're probably a bit tighter than intended), but they fit really well. I never in a million years dared believe I might fit into a 12-14 size anything. I feel absolutely on top of the world! (Now if only this blinking cold would hurry up and go away... although the plus side is I can spend all day tomorrow in my SIZE 12-14 pyjamas! Maybe I'll have to sew the label on the outside :D)
Still wearing my pj's, I think I'm starting to feel a bit better from this cold :)

Been having fun this morning trying to work out what I might look like. Just posted this in the main forum, but thought I'd capture it here too, to remind me when I look back in a few weeks.

I found this interesting site earlier, as one of my struggles is what I might look like (not ever having been a normal or even overweight weight as an adult); found this interesting as it is pictures of real people at different heights & weights.

Photographic Height/Weight Chart

I like this one too:
Welcome - My Body Gallery - What Real Women Look Like
Again, lets you see what real people of different heights & weights look like.

I was hoping to use 'My Virtual Model' to get an idea too, but the site doesn't seem to be working at the moment :(

This site is quite interesting, it gives you pictures of men & women at different body fat percentages - I guess I'm looking for visual clues at the moment to help me visualise my goals :)

Body Fat Pictures and Percentages | Leigh Peele

Found another site, which lets you upload a picture and adjust it up or down by about 3 stone in weight.

WeightMirror - Weight loss simulation and makeover tool

I've just adjusted my 6 picture down 3 stone, and then turned the balloon over... this might be me in a few months time with my 9 balloon!... this is what I might look like when I get close to a healthy bmi!

Right, now off for another 100% day (plus some beechams all in one to help clear the cough / sore throat etc)


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Omg that's mad!!! I'm gonna have a go at that later on :)
Ohhh is that what that balloon is for? Can I borrow that idea when I lose my first stone? :)
Thank you for the websites they're really cool! Xx

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Yes, anyone's welcome to use the balloon idea :) they're about £7 from clintons. I love getting something visual to help me celebrate my losses, and they stay inflated for ages. So far I've always managed to get to the next balloon before the last one has gone down. Hoping I might still be able to get to the 7 while the 6 is still up, but I think it will be close.

I can't believe how much nonsense chatter goes on in my head. This morning I jumped on the scales, showing 15 8, which is a huge achievement for me, at his largest my husband has been this weight, so it kind of feels like a normal sort of weight. I never really thought I could get there.. And now I'm starting to panic about whether I can stay here. He's now about 14 7 at the moment, so I'm getting close to actually weighing less than him for the first time ever!

I think I've not quite convinced my brain yet that I deserve to be a healthy weight and at it can really be part of reality for me. I'm finding the beck cd quite difficult, so I've now ordered the book version, I hadn't realised there would be exercises to do, I think I will find it easier from written instructions. I'm determined to follow the plan though, as it seems like it could help me tackle the stuff I need to address for this weight loss to be a permanent situation for me.

A few years ago I used similar affirmations and response type things when I went through some counselling for anxiety, and it made so much difference. It was really one of the early steps on this journey for me, to actually realise that I needed to look after my own needs, and that it was actually ok to take care of myself. I feel really positive that the beck book together with the exante diet really can help me to actually believe I can be a healthy person, and take the steps to make it happen. I'm so proud of how far I've come, but also really excited, nervous, apprehensive, determined to see this journey all the way through for me, and find a way for it to be a long-lasting change in my life.

I've got a few things coming up in May, we're going away with all our friends from uni, I'm also going to France for my cousins wedding, and then I have an assessment at the end of may for a job that I would really like to do. I'm really looking forward to seeing and hearing what my various friends/family are going to say when they see me, most of whom haven't seen me since before I started this diet! (although some have seen my pics on Facebook) I know that if I stick to this, albeit a mixture of ts and ws that I can be into the overweight category by the time I see them all, it's really exciting.

My goodness, I seem to have written an epistle today, time to go and read a book and then hopefully have a good night's sleep. (please little one, please stay asleep all night!)